The Elephant In The Room

EITR: Why is rest vital?

March 3, 2019 • Jay Pathak

Why is rest vital? by Jay Pathak

EITR: Why is intimacy so complicated and hard?

February 24, 2019 • Jay Pathak

Why is intimacy so complicated and hard? by Jay Pathak

EITR: You don't believe in a real devil, do you?

February 17, 2019 • Jay Pathak

You don't believe in a real devil, do you? by Jay Pathak

EITR: Why are Men so Power Hungry?

February 3, 2019 • Jay Pathak

Why are Men so Power Hungry? by Jay Pathak

EITR: Doesn't the Bible Oppress Women?

January 27, 2019 • Becca Knudsen

Doesn't the Bible Oppress Women? by Becca Knudsen

EITR: How can a Good God Allow Suffering?

January 20, 2019 • Corey Garris

How can a Good God Allow Suffering? by Corey Garris

EITR: Should Christians be Environmentalist?

January 13, 2019 • Jay Pathak

Should Christians be Environmentalist? by Jay Pathak

EITR: Does Science Disprove the Bible?

January 6, 2019 • Jay Pathak

Does Science Disprove the Bible? by Jay Pathak