As Jesus was beginning His ministry there was a man who was paralyzed. He had no way to get to Jesus, he was helpless and hopeless. Yet, this man’s friends were unwilling to give up on him. They took their paralyzed friend to Jesus and instead of being stopped by the crowd and the religious leaders they did whatever it took for their friend to see Jesus. By cutting a hole in the roof they lowered their friend down to be healed and encounter Christ. Are we willing to go to the same great lengths for those who are helpless and hopeless? Are you willing to do whatever it takes for people to meet with Jesus?
The Language of Lament (WS)
November 6, 2022 • Drew Whithorn • Psalm 64
The Language of Lament: Learning to pray for God's Kingdom to come into broken situations.
Understanding Grief: Hope For The Hurting Heart (WS)
September 5, 2021 • Dave Williams • Colossians 3:1–2, 1 Corinthians 13:12, Ecclesiastes 3:11, Ephesians 1:18–19, 1 Thessalonians 4:13–15
Life has been…different, hard, and in some ways we’re all longing to just go back to normal. The truth is, everyone is grieving the loss of something--or someone--right now. Most of us tend to ignore grief, pretending like it’s not there, just hoping it will fade over time. After all, time heals all wounds, right? But what if, the way to mending our broken hearts is by walking through our grief, not by sidestepping around it?
Tune in as we define grief, seek to gain a biblical perspective on grieving, and together develop a framework for the pursuit of healing and hope.
Evidence of Kingdom People: The 5 Markers of The Church of Jesus
June 20, 2021 • Kenan Stolz
The early church attracted so many people with the gospel of Jesus because they did more than just talk; they proved their allegiance to Jesus by how they lived their lives. As the world turns darker it allows the church to shine brighter! 🔆
Join us and discover with us five ways we, as the church, get to represent Jesus to the world as ambassadors for His kingdom 👑
April 25, 2021 • Dave Williams, Kenan Stolz
How often have you found yourself this past year saying “I can’t wait until...” 😫 The truth is, waiting is very much a part of God’s plan and seasons of waiting are not meant to be wasted. Rather, it is an opportunity for us to rest, to listen for His voice, and to take stock of our current state. It’s during this time of waiting that He is preparing us for the next chapter.
Enthroned (WS)
February 9, 2020 • Kyle Wetzler
The Weary World Rejoices (WS)
December 29, 2019 • Kenan Stolz • Matthew 11:28–30