Disciplines: Prayer & Study (BG)

Battle Ground Campus

January 2, 2022 β€’ Jon Siebert

Many of us find time and space over the holidays to reflect on the previous year and set our intentions for the next 😌 We set personal growth goals or resolutions for the different areas we want to see improvement in our lives--including the spiritual.

Despite our best intentions, it can be easy to lose momentum if we don't have a clear plan or next step for our goals. Join us THIS Sunday as we take a look at a biblical and practical approach to the spiritual disciplines of Prayer & Study πŸ™ πŸ“–

Disciplines: Solitude & Submission (BG)

January 16, 2022 β€’ Brad Fenison

Do you envision the life of a monk? Or perhaps an era where the world moved more slowly? 😌In today's fast-paced hustle culture, prioritizing time to be alone with God and changed by surrender to His presence could not be more fundamentally needed. Tune in as we conclude our 2022 kickstarter study into the practice of the Spiritual Disciplines.

Disciplines: Solitude & Submission (WS)

January 16, 2022 β€’ Drew Whithorn β€’ Psalm 46, Mark 1:35, Mark 6:30–31, Matthew 14:13, Matthew 26:36–42

Do you envision the life of a monk? Or perhaps an era where the world moved more slowly? 😌In today's fast-paced hustle culture, prioritizing time to be alone with God and changed by surrender to His presence could not be more fundamentally needed. Tune in as we conclude our 2022 kickstarter study into the practice of the Spiritual Disciplines.

Disciplines: Solitude & Submission (HP)

January 16, 2022 β€’ Rob Williams β€’ Psalm 46, Mark 1:35, Matthew 14:13–23, Hebrews 12:28–29, 1 Timothy 4:8–10

Do you envision the life of a monk? Or perhaps an era where the world moved more slowly? 😌In today's fast-paced hustle culture, prioritizing time to be alone with God and changed by surrender to His presence could not be more fundamentally needed. Tune in as we conclude our 2022 kickstarter study into the practice of the Spiritual Disciplines.