The Fellowship, Truth, and Heart of the Gospel Pt. 1 (WS)

Westside Campus

March 6, 2022 • Dave Williams • Galatians 2:1–14

Whether one likes it or not, reputation plays an important part in various arenas of life. Most of us can
remember a time when we were concerned about other people's perception about us. In business,
companies go to great lengths to develop a good reputation and distance themselves from previous
blunders, knowing it will impact the bottom line. In this section of Galatians, Paul has to defend his ministry
and message to the skeptics. However, his greatest concern is not for how people, or the other apostles
perceive him, but for the purity of the gospel message. Paul desires to show that while the ministry, calling,
and context in which he worked was different compared to Peter, James, and John, they were all unified in
their message. Paul knew that if he permitted a fracture in this message, the reputation of the gospel would
be lost. The gospel was at work in the early church, not creating a two-tiered system between Jew & Gentile
but creating one people who exhibit humility and unity in gathering together because of the grace of God.

A Gospel Demands (BG)

May 8, 2022 • Jon Siebert • Galatians 6

When we approach Scripture, it is important to remember that it wasn’t written solely to us, and its contents go beyond what it means for each of us specifically. Let us not forget that Galatians was written to a community of believers—not one person. This community of faith was struggling to live gospel-centered, Spirit-filled lives. As we've teased out over the last twelve weeks, this problem wasn’t unique to their situation, but continues to be a struggle for us today. In the concluding chapter of Paul's letter, we receive a beautiful picture of what a Spirit-led community could look like. A community defined by the cross is diverse, humble, gentle, gracious, burdenbearing, generous, future-oriented and—most of all—makes much of Jesus. What would it take for this to be said about Summit View Church? As we seek to emulate what Paul calls us to here, may we not grow weary of doing this good work. May we be a people, like Paul, who boast only in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

A Gospel Demands (WS)

May 8, 2022 • Drew Whithorn • Galatians 6

When we approach Scripture, it is important to remember that it wasn’t written solely to us, and its contents go beyond what it means for each of us specifically. Let us not forget that Galatians was written to a community of believers—not one person. This community of faith was struggling to live gospel-centered, Spirit-filled lives. As we've teased out over the last twelve weeks, this problem wasn’t unique to their situation, but continues to be a struggle for us today. In the concluding chapter of Paul's letter, we receive a beautiful picture of what a Spirit-led community could look like. A community defined by the cross is diverse, humble, gentle, gracious, burdenbearing, generous, future-oriented and—most of all—makes much of Jesus. What would it take for this to be said about Summit View Church? As we seek to emulate what Paul calls us to here, may we not grow weary of doing this good work. May we be a people, like Paul, who boast only in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Fruit of a Gospel Centered Life: The Spirit Pt. 2 (BG)

May 1, 2022 • Jon Siebert • Galatians 5:16–26

Growing up, most of us had role models or celebrities we looked up to and tried to emulate. These people were plastered on our walls, doodled in our notebooks, and spoken of around the dinner table. While we may no longer seek to be the greatest athlete, biggest movie star, or best writer anymore, we all should desire to become more like our Savior. Jesus perfectly modeled a Spirit-filled life, rich with its fruit. Miraculously, Jesus is not merely some celebrity, sketched in the margins of a page, but personally inserts Himself into our lives, making recompense for our failures and guiding us in our growth. He shepherds us with His Spirit, indwelling and empowering us to live in truth and life.