Belonging (HP)

Heritage Park Campus

February 13, 2022 • Kyle Wetzler

The Church is often referred to as a "family", but what does this really mean for us? 🧐 Belonging--to God and to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ--is more than just a Christian buzzword. It is the unearned grace afforded to us through the atoning work of Christ on the cross.

Tune in as we explore what it looks like to belong in the Church, and why this type of covenant community is so precious.

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Belonging (BG)

February 13, 2022 • Jon Siebert

The Church is often referred to as a "family", but what does this really mean for us? 🧐 Belonging--to God and to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ--is more than just a Christian buzzword. It is the unearned grace afforded to us through the atoning work of Christ on the cross. Tune in as we explore what it looks like to belong in the Church, and why this type of covenant community is so precious.

Belonging (WS)

February 13, 2022 • Kenan Stolz

The Church is often referred to as a "family", but what does this really mean for us? 🧐 Belonging--to God and to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ--is more than just a Christian buzzword. It is the unearned grace afforded to us through the atoning work of Christ on the cross. Tune in as we explore what it looks like to belong in the Church, and why this type of covenant community is so precious.

What is a Healthy Church (BG)

February 6, 2022 • Jon Siebert • Acts 2:42

The church is God’s instrument to bring hope to the lost and broken world. But to function according to God’s design, the church must continue to grow in godly character exemplified by Christ. Tune in as we investigate the measures of a healthy church sent on mission.