Priest of Obscurity (HP)

Heritage Park Campus

July 3, 2022 • Brad Fenison • Hebrews 7

Throughout Hebrews the author makes the argument that Jesus is superior to all who preceded Him—from the angels, to Moses, Aaron, The Law, Joshua, and the entire priesthood. This emphasis was due in part to a rise of Christian believers—formerly Jewish in faith—wrestling with the temptation to return to old patterns and traditions. The author attempts to reveal to readers Jesus’ superiority in every aspect to the old covenant; that it would be foolish to turn back, for the former things were there in anticipation of a greater thing to come. The author continues his demonstration by drawing the reader’s attention to Melchizedek, a priest mentioned in the Old Testament. To many, Melchizedek, whose name means “king of righteousness,” is a mysterious biblical figure. Despite what little is captured in writing, this priest-king serves as a poignant foreshadow, pointing us to an integral part of Jesus’ eternal priestly ministry.