The New Has Come (WS)

Westside Campus

July 10, 2022 • Ron Oliver • Hebrews 8

A covenant, not a term frequenting conversation today, is a legally binding agreement between individuals. Despite its infrequent use, understanding the definition, what covenants are and are not is vital to grasping the over-arching story of the Bible. Unlike covenants made between humans, when God enters into a covenantal relationship with humans, it is one-sided. Only God can initiate and establish a covenant with Himself. All throughout the Old Testament, we find God choosing people—Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, etc.—for covenantal relationship, each established with the promise of blessing for the faithful, and curses for those who failed. Time and time again we see humans fail to keep their side of the covenant, experiencing hardships and consequences for their choices. Yet God is merciful and to the reader, it is clear that the covenants offered by God throughout history still far outweigh the alternative, an existence apart from God. And yet God had more for us. This week’s passage in Hebrews illustrates a better covenant between God and humanity, one that is mediated and fulfilled perfectly by Jesus on our behalf.