God's Providence & Promises (WS)


May 2, 2021

Most of us are familiar with the story of Joseph - the favorite son sold into slavery, wrongfully convicted and imprisoned, ultimately restored and promoted to the very pinnacle of power.

But there is a story behind the story; it is the story of a sovereign God who is present and active in every moment of human history, working through all circumstances - good, bad, and even the ugly! - to bring about His "Meant For Good" purposes.

Tune in 🕊️ as we engage the reality that God is actively present in every moment and still very much at work in our stories, for His glory, and for our greatest good.

Rejected & Sold: Dream Given & Dream Rejected (WS)

May 9, 2021 • Dave Williams

Have you ever messed up and wondered “Oh no, what have I done? Did I just derail God’s plan for my life?” 😱 Tune in as we explore Genesis 37 📖 -- the beginning of Joseph’s story. This story is not simply a story of progression but a story of transformation in which God shapes Joseph through his circumstances and even the sinful actions of other people. His story reminds us that God’s ability to work all things out for His glory, and His purposes, is infinitely greater than any mess we create or find ourselves in. 🤗

Source of Life: Reconciliation (BG)

June 13, 2021 • Jon Siebert • Genesis 45—46

After weeks of seemingly continuous heartbreak and let downs, we see a happy resolution to the story of Joseph and his family. Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers, is reunited with his father, and provides a safe place for the people of God setting them up to flourish. The story of Joseph's life provides us a beautiful picture of the Gospel. Joseph moves from abandonment in a pit, a time of servitude, and false imprisonment, to a place of power and respect, now used to protect and sustain his family. Joseph moved from death and despair to life, from destitution to a life of fortune and plenty. Not only does he experience this himself, but he also shares the abundance with others. Although God's ways can be difficult to understand at times, He uses the everyday events of our lives to accomplish His will, reconciling people to Himself, and others to one another. By now, we can see in full what Joseph meant when he said: "you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today." (Gen. 50:20)

Source of Life: Reconciliation (WS)

June 13, 2021 • Dave Williams

We've all been hurt by the words or the actions of others 😢 The closer we are to the person, the deeper the wound--wounds which can stir up anger, resentment, or even a desire for revenge the longer we hold onto them. In 📖 Genesis 45-46 we see that there is a better way--restoration. As Joseph chooses to forgive his brothers, he is able to focus on God’s plan, rather than his pain. Join us this Sunday as we conclude our study in the life of Joseph and discover how we too can experience the freedom found in the choice to forgive.