Nothing But the Blood (BG)

Battle Ground Campus

July 17, 2022 • Jon Siebert • Hebrews 9

At times, The Bible may use language or imagery that cause discomfort for the squeamish or faint of heart. Even those less sensitive might find the sacrifices and blood of the Old Covenant to be uncomfortable—or perhaps simply irrelevant—and therefore warranting exclusion from the text. Whether it causes discomfort, confusion, or is simply deemed archaic, it can be easy to avoid a deeper engagement with these passages of Scripture. In the Old Testament, blood was recognized as a symbol of life and death and served as a sacred substance in various sacrificial rituals for purification (cleansing), consecration (setting aside), and atonement (reconciliation).

In this week’s passage, the writer of Hebrews seeks to clarify that, beyond symbolism, there is no comparison between the blood of Jesus and the blood of sacrificial animals. Only Jesus' blood can remove sin and guilt. Only His blood can cleanse our conscience and empower us to serve God. The sacrificial system for God's people in the Old Testament, including its location, all served to point us to the coming better way for man to be purified, consecrated, and atoned for: through the blood of Jesus.

Words To Live By (BG)

September 4, 2022 • Jon Siebert • Hebrews 13:7–25

As we conclude our study in the book of Hebrews, there are two things we hope have been true about our experience. First, that we would understand that the Old Testament is filled with markers pointing us to the salvation that is found in Christ Jesus. That we have learned not to be intimidated by the Old Testament but to see that it offers a richer view of angels, Moses, the temple and tabernacle, the sacrificial system, the Levitical priesthood, and what they are all in service to. Second, that our hope and confidence in our salvation would be strengthened despite the various trials and hardships we may face, just like the original recipients of Hebrews. That we would be a people who persevere, pressing on into holiness, and not being enticed to stray. As we study these last few practical exhortations in how to relate to one another and to leaders in the church, may we receive the prayer the author left with his original recipients: “May the God of peace equip you to do his will.”

Words To Live By (WS)

September 4, 2022 • Kenan Stolz • Hebrews 13:7–25

As we conclude our study in the book of Hebrews, there are two things we hope have been true about our experience. First, that we would understand that the Old Testament is filled with markers pointing us to the salvation that is found in Christ Jesus. That we have learned not to be intimidated by the Old Testament but to see that it offers a richer view of angels, Moses, the temple and tabernacle, the sacrificial system, the Levitical priesthood, and what they are all in service to. Second, that our hope and confidence in our salvation would be strengthened despite the various trials and hardships we may face, just like the original recipients of Hebrews. That we would be a people who persevere, pressing on into holiness, and not being enticed to stray. As we study these last few practical exhortations in how to relate to one another and to leaders in the church, may we receive the prayer the author left with his original recipients: “May the God of peace equip you to do his will.”

Transformed Priorities (BG)

August 28, 2022 • Jon Siebert • Hebrews 13:1–6

When it comes to understanding what God wants for our lives, the problem usually isn't that God wasn't clear enough. The problem often lies in our willingness to listen and obey. Thus far in the book of Hebrews, our minds have been stretched to better understand God’s will, make more biblical connections, and establish a proper view of who Jesus is and what He has done for us. As the book nears its conclusion, we find that the author lists some extremely practical exhortations for our daily lives and community. The premise is this: if all that has been discussed before is true, it demands certain changes in our lives. The most powerful love we can ever experience is the love of God which is freely given to us by Jesus and has eternal implications. Therefore, this love should impact the way we love those who God has placed around us. The question is, are we functioning as a conduit of His great love, or simply serving ourselves in a closed circuit?