God is Never Late (WS)

Westside Campus

October 3, 2021 • Kenan Stolz • Exodus 5:1—7:5

Moses is stuck between a rock and a hard place. God called him to deliver the people of Israel, but Pharoah has given an emphatic NO, and Moses’ community is upset because his attempt to set them free has become a burden to them. Have you ever tried to help someone, only to make the situation appear worse? What’s a called but-not-yet-successful deliverer, to do? Moses is a lot like us; he forgot that God called him and therefore it was God who would deliver Israel. The deliverance of Israel wasn’t about Moses or even Israel, but about God keeping His word. God had put His reputation on the line; would He deliver? Moses, like us, is an instrument in God’s hand to serve God and His people, all to reveal His glory. God told Moses He would bring Israel out of Egypt in a most impressive way. God’s “delay” by means of human opposition gives both Moses and Israel an opportunity to know God and build trust with Him as He reveals He is God, He will deliver, He keeps His promises, and He will share His glory with no one.

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