

April 25, 2021 • Dave Williams, Kenan Stolz

How often have you found yourself this past year saying “I can’t wait until...” 😫 The truth is, waiting is very much a part of God’s plan and seasons of waiting are not meant to be wasted. Rather, it is an opportunity for us to rest, to listen for His voice, and to take stock of our current state. It’s during this time of waiting that He is preparing us for the next chapter.

New Years

Kenan Stolz

Whatever It Takes

November 13, 2022 • Kenan Stolz • Luke 5:17–26

As Jesus was beginning His ministry there was a man who was paralyzed. He had no way to get to Jesus, he was helpless and hopeless. Yet, this man’s friends were unwilling to give up on him. They took their paralyzed friend to Jesus and instead of being stopped by the crowd and the religious leaders they did whatever it took for their friend to see Jesus. By cutting a hole in the roof they lowered their friend down to be healed and encounter Christ. Are we willing to go to the same great lengths for those who are helpless and hopeless? Are you willing to do whatever it takes for people to meet with Jesus?

The Language of Lament (WS)

November 6, 2022 • Drew Whithorn • Psalm 64

The Language of Lament: Learning to pray for God's Kingdom to come into broken situations.