Know What You Don't Know

April 22, 2018

We’re all headed somewhere. We’re all moving toward a new season. And none of us has been where we’re going. Yet it’s up to us to figure out what we need to pack in our bags so that we’re prepared for that coming season. But how can you know what you’ll need when the coming season is a mystery? How can you know what you don’t know?

We Are Behind, With And For You

May 6, 2018 • Mark Lamb

We spend years investing in the lives of students, then they take off to college. How can the church help students maintain their faith in college? And how can we pack the bags of students already with us?

Praying Ahead

April 29, 2018 • Andy Stanley

Sometimes you know what’s coming next—graduation, wedding, new baby, new job, retirement. But there’s no correlation between knowing what’s next and being prepared for what’s next. So, how do you prepare for the next season when you can't see what’s coming?

Motion Sickness

April 15, 2018

We’re all headed somewhere. Arriving at our new destinations requires change. For most of us, change creates stress. Just like when we travel on a boat, plane, or in a car, traveling through life can give us motion sickness. We’re knocked off balance. The ground beneath our feet doesn’t feel solid. So how do you prepare for what’s next when the anxiety of transition has you fighting motion sickness?