
July 30, 2017 • Andy Stanley

We tend to view our time the same way we view our money—we spend, invest, and waste it. The question is: how does God view time? If we saw it as he sees it, it might affect the way we use our own.

More from See The World

Through the Eyes of a Lion

August 6, 2017 • Levi Lusko

When we face pain and loss, they change the story we had planned for our lives. They can end our dreams. But what do pain and loss look like when we try to see the world as God sees the world, and to do as God says?


July 23, 2017 • Andy Stanley

Seeing your money and possessions as God sees them will make you more inclined to do with them as God says. That can revolutionize your life.

Invite an Interruption

July 16, 2017

How you see the world affects everything you do. It even affects how you see God. What would it take for you to broaden your view so you can see God more accurately and connect with him more deeply?