
Launch (High School)

High School

It’s possible to go a little crazy in your parenting during your student’s senior year. The transition from dependence to independence comes to a jarring climax sometime during this year. The reality that the baby you once held will soon live a life fairly separate from yours can be overwhelming. It is normal to feel slightly crazy. First it looks a little like smothering. Then it can revert to parenting like you did when your student was ten. It might have an extra dose of sadness or anger to it. Or it may look like an erratic attempt to cram in every lesson you haven’t had the chance to teach. No matter what, chances are during your student’s senior year, your son or daughter may think you’ve gone a bit loco! The insanity and that unexplained behavior is often rooted in the fear of letting go instead of trusting God to get His work done in your student’s life. If you understand that, you’ll be able to keep these truths in front of your senior as he or she anticipates the thrill of the journey ahead!