
8th Grade Trip (Middle School)

Middle School

Many parents talk to their kids about sex. The conversation is often filled with “don’t” and “be careful,” but parents frequently miss the opportunity to talk about why these ideas are so important. Isn’t it true that your dreams for your kids are amazing and worth discussing? Isn’t it true that these hopes are probably better than your own personal experiences when it comes to sexuality and intimacy? Have you considered talking with your kids about those dreams to paint a picture of what could be? The goal for this Milestone Experience is to cast a vision for your student of God’s plan of sex for him or her. Your student needs a goal in order to strive for it. With that in mind, the secondary goal is to create healthy habits and guardrails to help your student achieve the goal. You need to paint a picture of the life you dream for your middle schooler and that God dreams for him or her when it comes to sex and intimacy. Hopefully, your dream for your child will become your 8th grader’s dream as well.