
Family Portrait: Finding Beauty in Imperfection

June 2, 2024 • Pastor Erick Abreu • Romans 8:28, Genesis 45:3–6, Genesis 1:26–28, Genesis 2:25, Genesis 3:17

Welcome to our new series, "Picture Perfect!" Today, we explored the idea of family and perfection through the lens of God's creation and the story of Joseph. 

We reflected on how we strive for picture-perfect moments, but real life often reveals our flaws and imperfections. Despite our shortcomings, God's perfect power shines through. We discussed how sin disrupted God's perfect creation, yet His redemptive power offers hope and restoration.

The story of Joseph illustrated how God can turn even the most dysfunctional family situations into something beautiful. Joseph's journey from being sold into slavery to becoming a leader in Egypt reminds us that God's dreams for us are always bigger than our struggles.

In our pursuit of perfection, we must embrace our imperfections, trust in God's redemptive power, and seek His guidance in our families. Remember, God can turn our mess into a message and our trials into triumphs.

Join us as we continue to explore these themes in our "Picture Perfect" series. Don't miss out!

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