In this sermon, Pastor Jack begins our study in Timothy by looking at Paul’s greeting. We’ll learn that God speaks to us through the apostles who wrote the Bible, that Timothy is a model for us to follow, and learn of a special blessing.
Keeping Error Out of the Church
October 8, 2000 • Dr. Jack Hughes
Ever since the church was born at Pentecost, 2000 years ago, it has had to fight many Battles over the truth. God gave us His divine revelation in the Bible, and ever since, the church has had to fight to retain the standard of sound words. Satan has unceasingly introduced destructive heresies into the church to corrupt the bride of Christ, to lead people astray, to steal glory from God, and to damn people to hell. In this sermon, we’ll learn why we need to keep watch and be on guard for the truth, so we won’t be led astray by false teaching.
How to Spot False Teachers
October 15, 2000 • Dr. Jack Hughes
In this sermon, we see learn how to spot false teachers. By contrasting the goal of true biblical teaching with false doctrines, Paul equips us to spot and identify false teachers more readily. We know that if we want to learn how to spot counterfeit money, we study genuine bills. In the same way, if we want to learn how to spot false teachers, we study the Scriptures.
The Lawful Use of God’s Law Part 1
October 22, 2000 • Dr. Jack Hughes
What is the lawful use of the law? What is the purpose of the Law? What is the relationship of the Law to sound doctrine, and the gospel? Are Christians to live without law, as a lawless group of self-guided independents? Christians have struggled with this subject since the church was born. On one extreme there are those who don’t believe any of the Old Testament, or the gospels, apply to us because those are writings came from the Old Testament era before Christ died. In this sermon, Pastor Jack teaches us three very important concepts about the law that the false teachers didn’t understand, but which we do need to understand: the lawful use of God’s law, the purpose for God’s Law, and the relationship between sound teaching and the Law.
The Lawful Use of God’s Law Part 2
October 29, 2000 • Dr. Jack Hughes
In our previous study in this passage, we learned that the law is good, has a lawful use, and has one great, grand purpose, to make us lovers of God. In this sermon, we will learn about another part of the Law’s purpose, which is to help us see that we are not righteous and need rescued.
Paul, an Example of God’s Grace
November 5, 2000 • Dr. Jack Hughes
Paul said in I Cor. 15:9 For I am the least of the apostles, and not fit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. What happened? How did Paul the hater, persecutor, and murderer of Christians become, Paul the Apostle, writer of half the inspired New Testament books, the greatest missionary and proclaimer of truth that has ever lived? The answer to these questions can be found in the text before us today. Paul is one of the greatest examples of God’s saving grace.
The Perfect Patience of Christ
November 12, 2000 • Dr. Jack Hughes
Paul takes an interesting approach in refuting the false teachers. In 1 Timothy 1:12-14, he gives us four aspects of grace by which he was saved. Even though Paul was an avid law keeper and a Pharisee of Pharisees, he was not saved by the law, but by God’s strengthening, calling, transforming, and abundant grace. In doing this, Paul lays the foundation of what happened to him, and how he, as a self-righteous wicked man came to saving faith. Now in vss. 15-17, Paul switches emphasis from how himself to Christ, focusing on what Christ came to do and why.
Fighting the Good Fight
November 26, 2000 • Dr. Jack Hughes
In this sermon, we come to one of the key sections in entire book because it sums up the purpose of the book, the purpose of the church, the purpose of a leader, and the purpose for every Christian. Paul wants us to know that there is battle waging and the battle is a battle for truth.
Shipwreck of Faith
December 3, 2000 • Dr. Jack Hughes
As Christians, we are all captains of sorts, steering our faith towards heaven’s harbor. But in order to get there, we must navigate past many reefs which threaten to shipwreck our faith. Paul, having told Timothy to fight the good fight, then reminds Timothy how to fight and what to fight against.
Handed Over to Satan
December 10, 2000 • Dr. Jack Hughes
As soldiers, we are commanded to wage a good warfare and fight the good fight. We do this, according to Paul, by maintaining faith and a good conscience. We maintain faith by first listening to sound teaching and preaching, studying the Scriptures, reading the Scriptures, memorizing the Scriptures, meditating on the Scriptures, and obeying the Scriptures. As we diligently pursue those things, we must also strive to maintain a good conscience. A godly Christian is one who listens to and adjusts their conscience to protect them from sin. Paul tells us that some have rejected their conscience and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith.
A Call to Prayer
December 17, 2000 • Dr. Jack Hughes
In this passage, Paul continues to teach us how we are to conduct ourselves when we gather for public worship (1 Timothy 3:15), addressing areas relating to men leading in prayer for the salvation of the lost.
The Will of God and the Salvation of Men
January 7, 2001 • Dr. Jack Hughes
First Timothy 2:3-4 is not a hard text to understand, yet it begs us to climb some very high theological ladders, where we could conceivably end up stepping on “not a step,” as we shall see. To protect us from theological tumbles, Pastor Jack breaks down, interprets, and then applies our sermon text before investigating some of its theological ramifications.
The Salvation Plan of God
January 21, 2001 • Dr. Jack Hughes
After calling the church to pray for the salvation of all men and for the opportunity to openly witness, and after explaining that God desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth, Paul continues to explain the Salvation Plan of God. He reminds us in 1 Timothy 2:5-6 why God desires all men to be saved. In this sermon, Pastor Jack explains we need to understand three important truths relating to the salvation plan of God: there is only one God; there is only one Mediator; and there is only one way to be ransomed.
Preachers, Apostles, and Prayer
January 28, 2001 • Dr. Jack Hughes
In this sermon, Pastor Jack helps us see why Paul writes as he does to Timothy. Paul reminds all that he was appointed to preach with authority, that he was sent by God, and he was diligent to not only preach and proclaim the gospel of God, but also to teach it publicly, and from house to house. By mentioning his qualifications, Paul puts an authoritative stamp on what he has been saying and what he is about to say concerning men and women in the church. His message comes to them—and us—from God.
Men and Prayer
February 11, 2001 • Dr. Jack Hughes
Paul, in saying that men were to lead in prayer when the church gathers for worship, provides us with God’s perfect plan and will for corporate gatherings. In this sermon, Pastor Jack delves into many misunderstandings and misconceptions people have about men’s and women’s roles in the church.