NT90 Series

2020 - What a year!

January 3, 2021 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht, Pastor Tim Veenstra, Linna Sommers

Today we celebrate the completion of NT90, when more than 2500 from 19 different countries came together to read through the New Testament in 90 days. We believe in the beauty, wisdom, and authority of God’s Word. We did it together. We shared insights with each other. Instead of just going through the Word, we wanted God’s Word to go through us. In today’s service, Pastors Dave and Tim are joined by Linna Sommers as we celebrate together the completion of NT90, look back at God’s faithfulness in this journey, and a challenge for the days ahead.

The Great Unveiling

December 27, 2020 • Pastor Tim Veenstra

The book of Revelation is a dramatic piece of literature that reveals the cosmic battle that the Church has faced, is facing, and will face. Revelation is a letter written to seven early churches in Asia. Revelation is prophecy, announcing the future movement and actions of God. Revelation is apocalyptic in that it allows the reader to see what is mostly unseen. Revelation is the great unveiling.


December 20, 2020 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

Distractions are one of the greatest causes of automobile accidents. Our minds wander. Our eyes are off the road. Our alertness diminishes. The results can be devastating. Learning to laser focus allows us to safety travel and reach our final destination. It’s the same for our spiritual journey. A sharp, laser focus on Jesus, amidst all the background noises and distractions, is the only way to truly live.

Hope and Healing for a Bruised Spirit

December 13, 2020 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

Lots of us look good on the outside, but on the inside, well, that’s another story. Internal bruises of the spirit can be limiting at best and fatal at worst. Paul, a wise and seasoned mentor, challenges his young protégé to stay healthy in spirit. Paul’s final words to Timothy can be God’s fresh words to us: "May the Lord be with your spirit."

Work Out

December 6, 2020 • Pastor Tim Veenstra

You may have heard it said, “You can do anything you put your mind to.” Does this saying apply to our own salvation, though? Can we, in effect, save ourselves? Paul, in his letter to the church in Philippi, tells them to “work out your salvation” and later uses terms like “striving for” and “pressing on.” What is Paul saying? Can we somehow earn salvation through hard work?

Rock Climbing 101

November 29, 2020 • Pastor Tim Veenstra

Most human beings have a continuous, nagging fear in their minds. “What if there isn’t enough for me?” What if there isn’t enough food at the dinner table? What if there isn’t enough saved up in the bank? "What if my parents don’t have enough love to go around for all of us kids?" A scarcity mindset drives us to compete, to hoard, and to focus on self. But what if there was another way—the way of Jesus?

A Word to the Bully and Encouragement to the Bruised

November 22, 2020 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

Nobody wants to be bullied. Strong, dominant, opinionated, overbearing people can act like porcupines. You're afraid to get close to them. Nobody wants to get bruised. Life is rough. Words said or conflicts done poorly create deep bruises. Yes, life is tough, but Jesus not only changes our hearts but can heal our relationships. Through Christ, we can die to a prideful, arrogant spirit and experience healing from deep wounds.

The Gospel

November 15, 2020 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

In life, there are many things that are important. Our parents taught us values. Our teachers gave us an education. Our coaches taught us teamwork. All of these are valuable, yet the most important thing in life is the gospel. It’s the good news that this life isn’t all there is. We can be totally forgiven. We can live a guilt-free, shame-free life. Our eternity need not be stamped with hell as our final destination. There is hope. Jesus made a way. Our future, both here on earth and eternally, can be bright.

I Think There Is More

November 8, 2020 • Pastor Tim Veenstra

How can we read the book of Acts and not feel a holy restlessness? The stories of the Early Church are both faith-building and faith-challenging. There is a Holy Spirit boldness. There is a power and authority in the ministry of the followers of Jesus. There are miracles. There are new converts. There is movement! How does God want to move today?

It's All About Life

November 1, 2020 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

It’s about living the good life! Everyone is interested in improving the quality of life. Advertisers tell us you can get there if you have the newest appliance, wear better clothing, get in better shape, drive a newer car, experience the ultimate vacation. While those things have value and merit, the only path to true life is through Jesus. He is the true life-giver. Knowing Him not only gives us eternal life but quality living each day.

Will you pass the test?

October 25, 2020 • Pastor Tim Veenstra

In the Great Commission, Jesus calls His disciples to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them…and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Jesus is asking the disciples to take others on the same journey that He took them on. A baptism moment lasts only a few minutes; it is immediate and does not take a whole lot of time or effort. On the other hand, being taught to obey everything Jesus said is a long journey; it is a massive commitment of time and effort. Jesus’ call to discipleship is a lifelong journey that demands sacrifice. Will you pass the test of discipleship?

What's in Your Way?

October 18, 2020 • Pastor Tim Veenstra

Have you ever been driving and hit a roadblock? It can be incredibly time consuming, frustrating, and even defeating to try to find a way around the obstacle. The same thing can be true of our relationship with God. This is why Paul writes in Hebrews, “Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith." What’s in your way?

Love Your Neighbor

October 11, 2020 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

When racial tensions were reignited in America, I sensed a need to dig deep into the core of my own soul. Is there anything in my heart that’s not right? What would Jesus say to me regarding this issue? What needs to happen for me to be a healer? Today, you are going to hear a direct, honest conversation that I recently had with two African American brothers, Pastor Ricardo Taylor and Lynn Coleman, who have graciously and humbly walked beside me. Each of us is deeply committed to Jesus. We are committed to living out His Word and teachings in our lives. We are not interested in political correctness. It’s all about Jesus, the healer of every divide—Jesus, the hope of the world.

Let the Journey Begin

October 4, 2020 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht, Pastor Tim Veenstra, Linna Sommers

It’s not just about the destination: it’s about the journey. Today, we start the journey of reading through the New Testament in 90 days. We don’t do this to say, “We did it!” We do this so that the Spirit of God applies the Word of God to our hearts. We are not exploring mere ideas or simple Bible stories. Together, we discover God speaking to us through His words—His divinely breathed words. This allows us to live to the fullest.