The Discipleship of Jesus


April 24, 2022 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht • John 16:33

April 24, 2022 / John 16:33 Jesus does a remarkable feat in preparing the disciples for triumphant living in the midst of chaos and turbulence. He teaches that possessing courage and peace while walking through dark valleys is more than an abstract possibility. It’s a living reality. No matter what our future may hold, we can live with complete peace and His joy.

Am I a Hypocrite?

April 10, 2022 • Pastor Tim Veenstra • Matthew 15:7–9, Matthew 3:8

April 3, 2022 / Matthew 15:7-9, Matthew 3:8 “Put your money where your mouth is.” “Talk is cheap.” “You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?” “Actions speak louder than words.” These popular sayings and many others ask the same question: “Are you who you say you are?” So…are you? Jesus, in everything, including the discipleship of His disciples, was consistent, honest, real, and authentic. In our calling to go and make disciples, what would it look like to follow Jesus’ example of consistency and honesty?

The Table

April 3, 2022 • Pastor Kevin Moore • Exodus 25:10–30

You Can't Give What You Don't Have

March 27, 2022 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht • Ephesians 5:18

As followers of Jesus, our mission is crystal clear. It’s about being a disciple and joining Him in making disciples. We are not only invited to join, but commanded to be a part of the mission. It’s not about self-effort. It’s not about trying harder. It’s not about inventing incredible strategies. It’s about walking in step and being filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is often the missing link in fulfilling our mission. You can’t give what you don’t have.

The Discipleship of Jesus 101

March 20, 2022 • Matthew 28:18–20, John 1:37–39

There are hundreds of different definitions on what is a disciple of Jesus. There are hundreds of strategies on how to make disciples. Have we overcomplicated the calling to make fully committed disciples? What can we learn from Jesus and how He discipled His disciples?