The Conversations of Jesus

A Conversation with Peter

March 13, 2022 • Pastor Tim Veenstra • Matthew 18:21–35, Matthew 6:14–15

After Jesus finishes teaching on how to handle conflict, Peter asks Jesus how many times he is required to forgive someone that sins against him. Jesus’ response is profound, not just for Peter, but for each of us today. Jesus, on multiple occasions, speaks to the importance of doing the hard and deep works of forgivingness. We would be wise to listen.

A Conversation with the Samaritan Woman

March 6, 2022 • Pastor Tim Veenstra, Pastor Dave Engbrecht, Pastor Joe Focht • John 4:15–26

In her conversation with Jesus, the Samaritan woman is brought face-to-face with God and with herself. Jesus had a way of exposing the longing in a person’s soul. He reveals to the Samaritan woman her lostness and His ability to find her. What would it look like if we came face-to-face with God and ourselves today? What kind of worship would flow from that revelation?

A Conversation with Pilate

February 27, 2022 • Pastor Tim Veenstra • John 18:37–38

February 27, 2022 / John 18:37-38 In his conversation with Jesus, Pilate asks a deeply profound question, “What is truth?” It is up for interpretation whether Pilate asks this with a cynical, sarcastic tone or a wistful, wearied one, but either way, the question remains the same. What is truth?

Freedom in True Discipleship

February 20, 2022 • Pastor Gabe Reed • John 8:31–47

February 20, 2022 / John 8:31-47 If you grew up in the church, you have become very familiar with the verse, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” It has become an anchor for many who believe in Jesus. Jesus enters a conversation with those who believe, and He invites them in to more. We understand the key to freedom when we step into true apprenticeship with Jesus.

Learning From the Master

February 13, 2022 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht • John 3

There’s so much to learn from the conversations of Jesus. As apprentices, His conversations give us clear guidance on how to interact with people. His conversations teach us that there’s so much that precedes speaking. Learning from the Master positions us to be used by Him for His purposes and to fulfill His calling on our lives.