The Hand-Off

May 12, 2019 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

No one lives to themselves. We didn’t arrive to where we are without others. We won’t get to where we are going without impacting others on the journey. Life isn’t a sprint. It’s a relay. In any relay, the hand-off is essential to winning. Dropped batons ruin the race. Learning to receive the baton correctly and handing it off precisely makes for a winning race.

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Give Your Life

June 23, 2019 • Dr. Bob Andrews

Special guest Bob Andrews from Devon Oasis Center in Chicago, IL.

Six Marks of a Strong Family

June 16, 2019 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

Healthy families don’t automatically happen. So how do you know if you are on the right path towards being a healthy family? What’s it like to be part of a healthy team? It’s fascinating that secular research fully supports sound Biblical principles on the characteristics of a healthy family. Let’s take the test together and discover what changes and adjustments we need to make to move towards health.

Healing for Damaged Relationships

June 9, 2019 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

Moving parts can cause friction. Friction creates heat, and heat can cause damage. That’s the way it often works in our relationships. Whether it’s with a friend, at church, at work, with a neighbor or in our family, it’s easy to relationships to become strained. Because God is a God of relationships, He desires His children to work towards healthy relationships. That means for us to take the right steps towards repairing damaged relationships.