"More Than Enough" People

November 21, 2021 • Hebrews 10:34, Philippians 3:18–21, Mark 8:34

Paul again begins the third chapter of Philippians by calling the churches to rejoice, to express the deep, soul-satisfied joy that they possess. Again, we ask the question, “What might hinder the experience and the expression of joy in my life?” Paul clearly lays out two different ways of living—one that leads to the fullest experience and expression of joy and the other that leads to destruction. Which way are you living?

More from Philippians

The Secret

November 28, 2021 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht • Philippians 4

Everybody wants to know the secret. What’s the secret to wealth, fitness, financial success, or a happy family? So what’s the secret to contentment, a joy-filled life, and soul satisfaction? The apostle Paul declares that he has found the secret (Phil. 4:12). So, just what is that secret? Will it really work?

How to Get Joy From Where You're At

November 14, 2021 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht • Philippians 2

It’s a dead end street! The paths that we think lead us to joy often leave us disappointed and unfulfilled. While those paths can provide moments of pleasure, they only give us temporary happiness. They can take our mind off of our troubles, yet fail to deliver true, deep joy. Amidst brutal circumstances, the apostle Paul outlines a clear path towards deep, abiding joy. Walking that path is counter-cultural and counter-intuitive. In spite of that, God’s path leads us to a deep, abiding peace. It’s the way to live with joy in the journey.

What Has Happened?

November 7, 2021 • Pastor Tim Veenstra • Philippians 1:12

Philippians is a power-packed letter that the Apostle Paul wrote to the churches in Philippi. It offers us the opportunity to see that there is joy in the journey. Paul’s life and letter preach this message loudly, "Rejoice! Life is full of mountain highs and valley lows," and we can often ask the question: "What just happened?" We may be unsure of how to respond to our circumstances. We may be unsure of how to feel, emotionally, about our circumstances. Through it all, Paul makes the case that it is possible for the believer to experience joy.