How God Works

June 25, 2017 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

God uses improbable people in unlikely places to do unexplainable things because of his unimaginable greatness.

Michel Khalil

July 16, 2017 • Michel Khalil

This morning, we are joined by Michel Khalil, founder and president of Step Forward Ministries.

The Old Man in the Little House

August 6, 2017 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht

August 6, 2017 | 2 Chronicles 26 God’s desire is for His children to experience everything He has for them. Sometimes we settle for less than His best. What starts as a great journey doesn't need to stop short of its final destination. Destined for greatness, Uzziah ends up on the junk heap of life—lonely, cursed, and forgotten because of pride and sin. His destiny need not be ours.

Life's Battles

July 30, 2017 • Pastor Tim Veenstra

Joshua was the leader of Israel after the passing of Moses and was tasked to lead the people through many battles. Some battles were won; others were not. We may not find ourselves in physical battles, but life is full of battles. Some are big while others are small. We learn about how to battle from Joshua and the Israelites.