Turning Moments into Movements

November 11, 2018 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht, Pastor Derry Prenkert

Great moments are exciting. They give us a thrill, a high, an adrenaline
rush. Great moments are to be celebrated. Yet great moments aren’t
enough. Great moments need to be more than a just a moment in time;
they need to be converted into substantial change. It’s all about turning
moments into movements. Moments, unless turned into movements,
fade away and are soon forgotten. Movements provide sustainable and
reproducible fruit. They live beyond us.


November 4, 2018 • Pastor Dave Engbrecht, Linna Sommers

Today and the week following, 100% of undesignated gifts will be given to area food pantries, partners and our FMSC MobilePack event! Because of your generosity, we are looking to bless as many as 75 food pantries and organizations and feed people all over the world. Here are a few ways you can be generous through Let's Give it all Away!