What is Your Life?

December 29, 2019

What do people see when they look at your life? The Bible says our life is just like a vapor. It appears for a little while and then vanishes away. In this message, Pastor Wes Morris looks in the Bible to see how we should answer this question with the short time we have on this earth. We will cover the following verses: JAMES 4:13-15 2 TIMOTHY 2:15 MATTHEW 5:14-16 MATTHEW 28:19-20 1 PETER 2:11 HEBREWS 11:24-25 LUKE 9:61-62

Light & Darkness

December 15, 2019

Jesus did not come to the world to judge it, He came to save it. Our souls are already doomed and without belief in Christ, we will spend eternity under the judgment of God. Jesus came to take us out of the darkness and into the light. In this message, Pastor Wes will look at our choices of light or darkness. We will cover the following verses: JOHN 3:17-21 JOHN 3:19 REVELATION 2:21 REVELATION 9:20-21 JOHN 3:20 1 PETER 4:3-5 JOHN 3:21 EPHESIANS 5:7-10

John 3:16

December 8, 2019

John 3:16, maybe a Bible verse that everyone has heard or seen. But what does it mean? Does God really love everyone? Does He love the wicked person as much as me? In this message, Pastor Wes Morris takes a look at this verse to see what it really means. We will take a look at who God loves, how much He loves, and why He does. The following verses will be covered: JOHN 3:16 ROMANS 5:6-8 PSALM 97:1-6 ROMANS 6:20-23 JOHN 11:25-27

Born Again

December 1, 2019

Are you still wondering who Jesus really is? Have you not settled in your heart yet? In the message “Born Again” Pastor Wes Morris takes a look at a guy in the Bible named Nicodemus. This guy had everything but still had an unsettled heart. Take a few minutes today to hear what Nicodemus did to answer these questions in his life. We will be looking at the following verses: JOHN 3:1-3 JOHN 3:4-8 JOHN 3:9-15

Table Flipper

November 24, 2019

Would Jesus “flip” some tables in some church buildings today? What about in our lives? In John chapter 2 Jesus walks into the temple and begins to flip tables because of the sin he saw happening in His Father’s house. This example not only speaks about the temple being a building, but the temple of our body. Pastor Wes Morris takes a look at this chapter to see what we can learn about the things that would cause Jesus to flip tables. Grab your Bible and get ready to look at the following verses: JOHN 2:13-17 JOHN 2:16 JOHN 2:17 1 CORINTHIANS 6:19-20 JOHN 2:18-22 JOHN 2:23-25

Water to Wine

November 17, 2019 • Scott Johnson

Can Jesus still use me? Is my past too bad? Do you often think because of your past that Jesus can’t use you? The first miracle Jesus ever did was to take dirty water and turn it into precious wine, good enough for a wedding. Join Pastor Scott Johnson as he takes a look at this story and how it can relate to your life. Grab your Bible and get ready to look at the following verses: John 2:1-11 John 20:30-31 I John 1:1-3 John 12:37

Follow Me

November 10, 2019

Many people want to follow Jesus for what He can give them, not for who He is. In this message, “Follow Me,” Pastor Wes talks about truly following Jesus & bringing others along with you. Grab a Bible & follow along with the following verses: JOHN 1:35-51 JOHN 1:38 JOHN 1:39 JOHN 1:40-46 JOHN 1:47-48 JOHN 1:49-51

Holy Spirit & Fire

November 3, 2019

Consumed by the Holy Spirit? Speaking in tongues? What does all this mean in our walk with Christ today? These miraculous gifts can be confusing to understand—what they mean and what we should do with them today. In this message, Pastor Wes takes a look in the Bible to clarify these gifts. We will look at the following verses: JOHN 1:29-34 ACTS 2:1-18 ACTS 2:37-39 LUKE 3:15-18

Behold, the Lamb

October 27, 2019

Are you close to God? What is needed to get close to God? Everyone starts far off from God. A sacrifice is needed to pay the price for our sin. In the OT, animal sacrifice was the only way. But when Jesus came, he paid the sacrifice. We have access to God—only through the shed blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ! Join us as Pastor Wes Morris talks about the Lamb of God who took away all sin, once for all. We will cover the following verses: JOHN 1:24-29 JOHN 1:29 EXODUS 12:3, 6-7, 12-13 JOHN 1:29 HEBREWS 9:11-12 HEBREWS 10:10-19 REVELATION 5:7-13

Jesus became Flesh

October 20, 2019

Ever wonder why Jesus chose to become a man, be tempted in every way we are, and die on the cross? Or have you ever questioned how God could even become a man? Can the infinite become finite? Here in John 1 and throughout the Bible we see why Jesus became man and how his choice allows us to be enlightened to everlasting life.

John, sent from God

October 13, 2019

What is the message of your life? Can people see it? Can they feel it? We have been sent by God to share His message at any cost! Join Pastor Wes as he looks in the Gospel according to John to see what it means to be “Sent from God.” We will cover the following verses: JOHN 1:6-8 LUKE 1:11-19 LUKE 1:57-80 MATTHEW 3:1-12 MATTHEW 14:3-12

Jesus is God

October 6, 2019

Who is Jesus? He is not is an angel, miracle worker or a prophet. Instead the Scriptures tells us that Jesus is God! The Gospel of John declares Jesus to be God over and over again. Join Pastor Wes as he kicks off a new series on the Gospel of John with “Jesus is God.” We will cover the following Bible verses: JOHN 1:1-5 JOHN 20:30-31 JOHN 1:1-2 JOHN 1:14 REVELATION 19:13 JOHN 1:3 COLOSSIANS 1:16 JOHN 1:4 JOHN 12:46 JOHN 1:5

Re-examining Worth

September 29, 2019 • Joe Seestadt

What is your eternal life worth? This is a hard question for many people to answer because things in our life get in the way. In this message Pastor Joe Seestadt will take a look on the Bible to see how we can have an eternal life and how we remove the obstacles in this life that get in the way. We will cover the following verses: Philippians 3:4-7 John 14:6 John 15:5 Philippians 3:8-12 Hebrews 12:1


September 22, 2019

Shame and sin, whether ours or someone else’s, can often cripple our lives. Sometimes we feel unworthy of a relationship with Christ and unworthy of serving Him. In His grace, He invites us to be a part of His family. Check out this message, “Reserved” as Pastor Wes shares the story of King David, Mephibosheth & a reserved seat at the King’s table. We’ll cover the following verses: 2 Samuel 4:4 2 Samuel 9:1-3 2 Samuel 9:5 2 Samuel 9:6-8 2 Samuel 9:9-13

Wind & Waves

September 15, 2019

Are you in a storm? Are the wind and waves of this life becoming overwhelming? Jesus came to calm these storms, but we need to be in the boat with Him. In this message, Pastor Wes Morris opens the Word of God to see how to overcome worry even when the storms overtake. Grab your Bible as we cover the following verses: Matthew 14:22-33 Mathew 14:30 Luke 10:38-42 Luke 12:11-12 Luke 12:22-31 Matthew 14:30-33