Christmas Eve Service 2021

December 24, 2021 • Matthew 19:16–22

Join us for Christmas Eve service in the box!

From The Manger And The Clouds

December 26, 2021

The first time Jesus came, He arrived in obscurity in a small town, born in a manger. The next time He comes, the sky will split like a scroll and He will be revealed from Heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire. He is no longer a carpenter but King. Are you ready to meet Him? All will face Him as Judge or Savior. LUKE 2:1-7 LUKE 2:8-16 ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE: REVELATION 19:11-15 REVELATION 1:5-7 PHILIPPIANS 2:10-11 ISAIAH 7:14 ISAIAH 9:6-7 MATTHEW 1:21 HEBREWS 9:28

It Is Finished

December 19, 2021 • John 19:25–30

At the cross, Jesus uttered His final declaration when He said, “It is finished.” When He died, He finished the wrath of God for all who will believe. He finished the separation between God and man created by sin. He finished the power of death and furnished evidence of the resurrection to come by raising dead saints to life at the time of His death and resurrection. All people will respond to his truth by either believing in Him or rejecting Him. JOHN 19:25-30 MATTHEW 27:45-46 MATTHEW 27:51 HEBREWS 9 HEBREWS 10:19 MATTHEW 27:51-53 1 CORINTHIANS 15:22-26, 50-57 MATTHEW 27:54 ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE:  2 CORINTHIANS 5:21 REVELATION 616 1 THESSALONIANS 1:10 ISAIAH 53:6 ISAIAH 59:2 JOHN 5:28-29 REVELATION 21:3-4 LUKE 23:48

Two Criminals

December 12, 2021 • John 19:17–22

Two criminals were crucified on either side of Jesus. As the crowds mocked Him, both criminals joined in the mockery. Despite the venomous hatred of Jesus, He declared from the cross, “Father, forgive them.” In the final moments of his life, one criminal repents and turns to Jesus asking for entry into His kingdom. In an instant, Jesus promises, “Today, you will be with me in Paradise.” Everyone will respond to Jesus. There will be no middle ground or escape. How have you responded?


December 5, 2021

Pilate the Governor was a conflicted man at the trial of Jesus. While believing Jesus was an innocent man and wanting to release Him, Pilate also wanted to satisfy the crowd. In the end, he decided to wash his hands of responsibility and send Jesus to be crucified. Many today face the same conflict of wanting to stand with Jesus but also satisfy the crowd. Every soul must make this eternal choice. Washing our hands does not free us from judgment. TURN-TO REFERENCES: JOHN 19:1-16 MATTHEW 27:19 MATTHEW 27:24 MATTHEW 11:20-24 ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE: 1 KINGS 18:21 MARK 15:15 GALATIANS 1:10 DEUTERONOMY 21 MATTHEW 27:25


November 28, 2021 • John 18:39–40

At the trial of Jesus, the crowd was offered a choice. Pilate asked if they wanted a notorious murderer named Barabbas to be released from consequence or Jesus. Despite Pilate’s insistence that they choose Jesus, the crowd overwhelmingly called for Barabbas to be released. One may wonder how this moment affected the life of Barabbas. Only we can answer such a question, as we are all Barabbas. TURN-TO REFERENCES: JOHN 18:39-40 MARK 15:6-10 MARK 15:11-15 ROMANS 3:10, 23 ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE: JOHN 3:19 ISAIAH 5:20 EPHESIANS 2 ROMANS 5:8 ISAIAH 44:22 JOHN 18:39-40 MARK 15:6-15 MARK 15:11-15 ROMANS 3:10, 23

Make Room

November 21, 2021

For more information on Dan and the Key of Hope Ministry - https://www.keyofhope.org/

In Tribulation

November 14, 2021 • Todd Deering • John 16:33

The bible says that "In this world you will have tribulation", but how can we truly have joy when things are falling down around us? Does God control the good things and the bad? These are some of the tough questions that Job had many thousands of years ago and we still have the same trouble that he did. Let's take a look at the account of Job and see what we can learn about how to handle tough times and how to truly have peace in our hearts through any struggle.


November 13, 2021 • Larry Burnett

Not of This World

November 7, 2021 • John 18:28–37

Jesus was asked at the trial if He was the King of the Jews. He responded by saying that His kingdom was not of this world but of another realm. This is why His servants would not rise up and fight. If the disciples of Jesus’ day did not fight for an Earthly kingdom, we should not either. Rather His mission and therefore ours as believers is to testify to the truth. The truth about God, mankind, sin, redemption and the judgment to come. TURN-TO REFERENCES: JOHN 18:28-37 JOHN 18:36 JOHN 6:15 1 CORINTHIANS 6:9-11 JOHN 18:36-38 ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE: 2 CORINTHIANS 10:4 2 CORINTHIANS 11:2 1 CORINTHIANS 2:4-5 ROMANS 1:16 JOHN 5:24 JOHN 10:27-28

At a Distance

October 31, 2021 • John 18:12–27

The gospels tell us that Peter followed Jesus at a distance once He was arrested. Many times we as believers put distance between ourselves and Jesus. We often do this because of our fear, love of the world and our love of sin. Like Peter, we are able to repent under the merciful grace of God and remove the distance between us and the Savior. JOHN 18:12-27 JOHN 9:20-23 JOHN 12:42-43 1 KINGS 11:1-4 LUKE 9:57-62 ISAIAH 59:2 ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 26:58 MARK 14:54 LUKE 22:54 GALATIANS 1:10 1 JOHN 2:15 MATTHEW 6:24

Linden Night of Hope

October 24, 2021

Join us for a night of hope hosted live in downtown Linden Michigan.

The Sword And The Ear

October 17, 2021 • John 18:10–11

When Peter drew his sword and cut off the ear of Malchus, Jesus told him to put the sword away. After healing Malcus, Jesus assured Peter that if needed, He could appeal to His Father for the help of legions of angels. We often cut people with our words and actions. When we do this, we don’t trust in the justice of God, we ruin our witness to the lost, and we hurt the ones Jesus came to save. TURN-TO REFERENCES: JOHN 18:10-11 MATTHEW 26:52-54 JOHN 18:26-27 LUKE 22:49-51 LUKE 9:51-56 ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE: PSALM 64:3 PROVERBS 12:18 PSALM 54:1 PSALM 82:3-4 ROMANS 12:19 LUKE 5:32


October 10, 2021 • John 18:1–9

Join us as we continue in the John series TURN-TO REFERENCES: JOHN 17:1-9 MARK 14:43-46 JUDGES 16:17-19 2 SAMUEL 15:3-6 MATTHEW 5:38-48 ROMANS 12:17-21 ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE: LUKE 6:16 JOHN 13:27 2 TIMOTHY 4:14 1 PETER 2:21-23

Where I Am

October 3, 2021 • John 17:24–26

Jesus prayed that His desire would be fulfilled for us to be where He is and to behold His eternal glory. It is through His love and grace alone that believers will be with Him. Apart from Him, mankind is destined to be separated from His presence, outside of His Heaven, and under His wrath.