Christmas Eve Outdoor Service

December 24, 2020

Join us for this special Christmas Eve service in the woods.

Never Changing God

December 27, 2020

Join us for this week's message with Pastor Wes


December 20, 2020

When we find Lazarus at supper with Jesus after he is raised from the dead, we see a preview of the believer’s eternal life to come. However, Judas Iscariot is incensed as the sister of Lazarus offers expensive perfume to Jesus. This reveals the division among mankind over Jesus. One day it will be revealed that not all who seem to follow Jesus had a pure motive. What is yours?


December 13, 2020

Many people refuse Jesus not for lack of signs and evidence, but rather for the cost. Following Jesus requires repentance from sin and full surrender of our lives. Caiaphas like many today sought to destroy Jesus so many would not believe in Him. In divine irony, it would be the very thing that still draw the masses to saving faith today. What do you believe? Bible Verses: JOHN 11:47-53 JOHN 11:48 LUKE 17:28-33 JOHN 11:49-53 PSALM 2 ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: GENESIS 19 GENESIS 50:20 1 SAMUEL 17 ESTHER 7:7-10 DANIEL 6


December 6, 2020

Like the observers of Lazarus’ death, many will find excuses to reject the Lord. Some will fault God for sickness, poverty and war. Others will be afraid to truly confess the rottenness of their sin, buried behind the stone. In the end, all who are in the tombs will hear His voice. Some to a resurrection of life, others to a resurrection of judgment.


November 29, 2020

Many have a general faith in God. However, true salvation only comes through specific faith in Jesus. Jesus declared to Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Then He asked her an eternally important question: “Do you believe this?” Our answer to that same question will determine our eternity. TURN-TO REFERENCES JOHN 11:17-22 JOHN 11:6, 15 JOHN 11:23-26 JOHN 11:27 ADDITIONAL REFERENCES JUDGES 7:2 ACTS 17 JOHN 10:9 JOHN 14:6 ACTS 4:12 ROMANS 10:9


November 22, 2020

How do you make decisions? We all face consequential decision points throughout our lives. The Bible says that The Lord will lead in the paths of righteousness. But how? Through prayer, His Word, wise counsel and miraculous signs. TURN- TO REFERENCES PSALM 23:1-3 1 KINGS 3:24-28 PSALM 119:104, 105, 130, 169 1 KINGS 12:6-11 JUDGES 6:36-40 ADDITIONAL REFERENCES JAMES 1:5 PSALM 119:66 1 KINGS 3:9 HEBREWS 4:12 2 TIMOTHY 3:16 PSALM 19:8 PROVERBS 15:22

Good Soldiers

November 15, 2020 • Todd Deering

Once we come to know the Lord, we are transferred from a citizenship of this world to a citizenship of Heaven. It is at this point that we serve a new master, no longer do we serve ourselves but the one who enlisted us. Are we following Him or are we entangled in civilian pursuits?


November 15, 2020 • Michael Fitzgerald

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. God has appointed you to carry out his will for your life and all you need to do is put your faith in Jesus Christ and start saying yes. Just as Jesus came to serve we are appointed to serve. -Ephesians 2:10 -Acts 22:6-10 -Ephesians 2:10 -Acts 22:13-16 -Phil 2:5-8 -Mark 10:45 -John 13:3-5 -John 13:12-17 -Ephesians 5:1-2 -1 Peter 4:10 -Ephesians 4:1

To Judea Again

November 8, 2020

Jesus was headed back to Judea, where people had earlier intended to stone Him. His disciples discouraged Him from returning to the place of danger. Jesus reminded them that the will of God supersedes all earthly reality. While the world may tell us otherwise, God often calls us to return to Judea again. JOHN 11:5-16 PSALM 107:23-30 HEBREWS 11 JOHN 11:11-16 ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: JUDGES 6 & 7 1 SAMUEL 17 ESTHER 4 DANIEL 3 ACTS 20:24

For The Glory

November 1, 2020

Jesus declared that the death of Lazarus was for the glory of God. Trial, sickness and death bring God glory when people praise Him despite circumstance. He is glorified when we are healed of infirmity. He is glorified when trials come as judgment for sin. TURN TO SCRIPTURE JOHN 11:1-4 1 PETER 1:6-7 JOB 1:6-22 MATTHEW 15:29-31 LUKE 17:11-19 ACTS 5:1-11


October 25, 2020

Join us for today's message continuing on in the Book of John. TURN-TO SCRIPTURE JOHN 10:31-33 LEVITICUS 24:16 JOHN 8:59 MATTHEW 26:64-66 JOHN 10:33 ISAIAH 42:8 REVELATION 5:12 JOHN 10:34-38 JOHN 10:39-42 ADDITIONAL REFERENCES JOHN 6:40 JOHN 5:22 JOHN 14:13-14 MATTHEW 9:2-3 MATTHEW 9:4 JOHN 1:47-48 MARK 6:47-48 LUKE 7:22 MATTHEW 2:11 MATTHEW 14:33 JOHN 9:37-38 ACTS 14:14-15 REVELATION 19:10 ISAIAH 42:8 REVELATION 5:12

My Sheep

October 18, 2020

Join us for this weeks message continuing on in the Gospel according to John. TURN TO REFERENCES: JOHN 10:22-31 JOHN 10:37-38 JOHN 10:26 1 JOHN 2:19 MARK 4:16-19 JOHN 10:27-30 ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: JOHN 6:51 JOHN 8:12 JOHN 8:24 JOHN 8:58 JOHN 10:9 MATTHEW 13 JOHN 3:3 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 COLOSSIANS 1:13 JOHN 3:16 JOHN 11:26 JOHN 6:40 1 JOHN 5:13


October 11, 2020 • Scott Johnson

Join us for this week's message continuing on the Gospel According to John Turn to: john 10:16 1 Corinthians 6:10-11 John 10:17-18 John 10:19-21 Ephesians 4:1-4 Mentions: Isaiah 49:6 I Timothy 1:15 Matthew 10:34 John 17:21 James 1:19 Romans 12:10 Philippians 2:2-4 Ephesians 2:11-14

Encourage & Strengthen

October 4, 2020

Join us for this week's outdoor "Box" foundation service in the woods.