Christmas Eve

December 24, 2022

Prayer: Forgive Us Our Debts

December 18, 2022

Jesus calls us to pray for forgiveness for our debts as we forgive others. When we seek the Lord for this wonderful grace, our hearts are cleansed, relationships restored, and our worship purified. Jesus also calls us to forgive others who have sinned against us. He even promises that it will be impossible to live the abundant Christian life while holding on to unforgiveness. Do you need to seek the Lord for his forgiveness? Are you holding somebody hostage in unforgiveness?

Prayer: Our Daily Bread

December 11, 2022

Jesus encouraged His disciples to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.” God has promised to sustain His people as they walk in His purpose for their lives. Throughout the Scripture we see God provide the physical bread for food, the soul nourishing bread from heaven and the eternal bread of life found only through faith in Jesus. This daily bread is essential to our spiritual life and we must be in constant prayer for The Lord’s “daily bread.”

Prayer: Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done

December 4, 2022

Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” He was referring to a spiritual kingdom as well as His eternal, physical kingdom. We pray for His kingdom to be shown in our lives as we witness to the lost, conform to His will and obey His word. When Christians do this, we display Christ’s kingdom, “on earth as it is in heaven.” What kind of an ambassador are you?

Prayer: Hallowed Be Your Name

November 27, 2022

Jesus gave us an example of how to pray. He calls us to pray, “Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.” In this instruction, Jesus brings to our minds the fact that God is our Father, Creator, and King. The Lord is worthy of our praise, reverence and awe as we approach the throne of glory. Do our words, worship and conduct reflect the holy nature of the One we represent?

Prayer: Not Like The Hypocrites

November 20, 2022

As Jesus instructed his disciples to pray, he warned them to not be like the hypocrites. Hypocrites are actors who feign spiritual piety, while continuing in lawless rebellion. True followers of Jesus should not make a show of their prayers though high visibility and many words. Rather, it ought to be our private seeking of God from an honest and humble heart. When we pray, we access God’s power for our earthly burdens. Our Father knows what we need even before we ask Him.

The Mission of Grace

November 13, 2022 • Michael Fitzgerald

Followers of Jesus have been given a mission to take the message of the saving grace of Jesus to the world. We do this through our words and actions but often find ourselves ineffective due to a root of bitterness that rises from others around us. Hebrews 12:14 tells us to strive for peace with all people otherwise no one will see the Lord. The verse also tells us to obtain the grace of God so no bitter root springs up. Join us in this message labeled “mission of Grace” as we look through the lens of God’s grace to maintain peace with others so we can be effective in the mission we have been trusted with. 

Foundations: Heaven & Hell

November 6, 2022

Jesus teaches a vivid picture of the afterlife in Luke’s gospel. Our perceived earthly abundance is no indicator as to what awaits us in eternity. Heaven or Hell will follow the death of every soul that has ever lived. Heaven is place of peace, comfort and rest for those who have believed on Jesus for salvation. Hell is place of unspeakable torment for those who have rejected Jesus and remain under the sentence of condemnation for their deeds.

Foundations: Persecution

October 30, 2022

Jesus said that believers are blessed when they are persecuted for the sake of righteousness. Many feel that persecution is a negative thing. While it may not be enjoyable in our flesh, it is a guarantee of a true Christian. Persecution is also a test of our authenticity as well as a way for us to be a witness to the lost.

Foundations: Disciples

October 23, 2022

Jesus is crystal clear about what it means to be His disciple. True disciples study and live according to His word. People are able to recognize true disciples because they love one another. Disciples are always disciple-makers. To be a disciple is to be a learner or follower. We often evangelize for many things in this world, but we are called to make learners of the path of righteousness according to Jesus and His word. Are you a true disciple?

Foundations: The Church

October 16, 2022

When people in the scripture repented of sin and confessed Jesus as Lord, they were baptized and added to the Church. “Church” describes the body of believers in Jesus assembling together to declare the glory of Christ. The Church is not a building, location, day, time or label. In the Bible, a Church member is never a name on a list, but rather, a limb attached to a spiritual body. Are you a part of the Church?

Foundations: Baptism

October 9, 2022

The Bible shows us that when people repented of sin and believed in Jesus, they were immediately baptized in water. The word baptism means: bury, immerse, submerge or overwhelm. When Christians are baptized, it is a declaration of the spiritual reality of having our sins buried with Christ and the power of His resurrection applied to our souls. What prevents you from being baptized?

Foundations: The Gospel

October 2, 2022

The Word of God declares that all of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We are rendered helpless and unable to save ourselves from the justifiable wrath of God. The good news of the gospel tells us that Jesus died in our place and became sin on our behalf, thereby setting us free unto eternal life for all who believe. Have you believed this and called upon The Lord for salvation?

Foundations: All Scripture

September 25, 2022

All Scripture is inspired by God. This means that the Word of God is an eternal, living, weapon that declares Jesus as Lord. When we read it and speak it, we are speaking the utterances of God. Sinners are convicted and believers are able to do battle against evil and be encouraged in their souls. The Word of God is forever settled in Heaven and it’s crucially important to our spiritual growth.

Foundations: God Three in One

September 18, 2022 • Todd Deering

The one true God of the Bible, from beginning to end, has been chasing down His creation to reconcile a broken relationship with a sinful people. And, ever since the beginning, He has had a plan of redemption for us. As we see this plan unfold, we see three distinct persons of God, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. All three wholly and fully God, yet all three described individually and in depth in His Word. How can we reconcile this reality and who are the three persons of God?