The Treasure & The Pearl

March 10, 2024 • Wes Morris

When Jesus told the parable of the treasure and the pearl, He was teaching the heart of total surrender that all true believers must have to inherit the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom is discovered by all people at some point in their lives. The kingdom has a great cost to all who will receive it. Every soul must make a choice as to what they will do with the kingdom. Have you made your choice?

More from Parables

The Wedding Feast

April 14, 2024 • Wes Morris

In the parable of the wedding feast, the king invites many guests to attend in honor of his son. Upon hearing that they were unwilling to attend, he urged them to come to the feast a second time. After another harsh rejection, the king became enraged and sought to invite new guests. When a man arrived not wearing proper wedding clothes, he was promptly bound and cast out. Faith in Jesus adorns our lives with the righteousness of God. All who masquerade among the righteous will one day be likewise identified and rejected. Are you truly covered in the righteousness of Christ that comes only by faith?

The Vinegrowers

April 7, 2024 • Wes Morris

The vine growers were entrusted by the landowner to tend to His vineyard until the harvest. When He sent the slaves to collect His produce, the vine growers beat and killed and stoned His slaves. After sending another group with the same result, He sent them His son. The vine growers, believing that could take the inheritance for themselves, beat and killed His son and threw Him out of the vineyard. Like the vine growers, many have rejected the servants of God and the truth they brought. One day the Owner will return and bring a day of reckoning to all who squandered the vineyard. What will be found of you when the Owner returns?

The Bridegroom

March 24, 2024 • Wes Morris

When Jesus told the parable of the Bridegroom, He was clearly urging the listener to be ready for His arrival. The wise virgins awaited His return with oil in their lamps, but the foolish virgins brought no oil. Though their lamps appeared the same on the outside, they were drastically different on the inside. Many people appear to be awaiting Christ’s return, but they still have not prepared their soul by receiving the oil of salvation through faith in Jesus. Are you prepared to meet your God?