A Recognized Change

February 24, 2019 • Charlie Wingate

Sometimes we can take the Lord for granted. But we should give thanks for EVERYTHING, because the Lord provides it all for us. We are called to be different because of what Christ has done for us and we should never forget that.

Join us as Brother Charlie Wingate from Power, Hope and Grace Church in Detroit shares a message out of 1st Timothy.

More from 2019

What is Your Life?

December 29, 2019

What do people see when they look at your life? The Bible says our life is just like a vapor. It appears for a little while and then vanishes away. In this message, Pastor Wes Morris looks in the Bible to see how we should answer this question with the short time we have on this earth. We will cover the following verses: JAMES 4:13-15 2 TIMOTHY 2:15 MATTHEW 5:14-16 MATTHEW 28:19-20 1 PETER 2:11 HEBREWS 11:24-25 LUKE 9:61-62

Light & Darkness

December 15, 2019

Jesus did not come to the world to judge it, He came to save it. Our souls are already doomed and without belief in Christ, we will spend eternity under the judgment of God. Jesus came to take us out of the darkness and into the light. In this message, Pastor Wes will look at our choices of light or darkness. We will cover the following verses: JOHN 3:17-21 JOHN 3:19 REVELATION 2:21 REVELATION 9:20-21 JOHN 3:20 1 PETER 4:3-5 JOHN 3:21 EPHESIANS 5:7-10

John 3:16

December 8, 2019

John 3:16, maybe a Bible verse that everyone has heard or seen. But what does it mean? Does God really love everyone? Does He love the wicked person as much as me? In this message, Pastor Wes Morris takes a look at this verse to see what it really means. We will take a look at who God loves, how much He loves, and why He does. The following verses will be covered: JOHN 3:16 ROMANS 5:6-8 PSALM 97:1-6 ROMANS 6:20-23 JOHN 11:25-27