In Our Midst

John 12: 27-36

January 24, 2021 • Todd Deering

Sometimes Jesus is right in front of us, calling to us, telling us He is the way to eternal life. When we choose to believe in Him we can have a peace that surpasses all understanding. Sometimes we may be following God in our life and get to a place that doesn't look the way we think it should, is God still with us? As we dig into the Book of John we get to the hour that Jesus has been talking about, the hour that all of scripture has pointed to, and it is not exactly what people thought it was going to be.

John 12: 27-36
John 12:27
2 Corinthians 5:21
John 12:28-30
John 12:31
John 12:32-34
Luke 17: 20-21
Revelation 19: 11-16
John 12:35-36
Genesis 22
Isaiah 53:5
Hosea 3
Mathew 26:53
John 8:50
John 8:12

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Christmas Eve Service 2021

December 24, 2021 • Matthew 19:16–22

Join us for Christmas Eve service in the box!

From The Manger And The Clouds

December 26, 2021

The first time Jesus came, He arrived in obscurity in a small town, born in a manger. The next time He comes, the sky will split like a scroll and He will be revealed from Heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire. He is no longer a carpenter but King. Are you ready to meet Him? All will face Him as Judge or Savior. LUKE 2:1-7 LUKE 2:8-16 ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE: REVELATION 19:11-15 REVELATION 1:5-7 PHILIPPIANS 2:10-11 ISAIAH 7:14 ISAIAH 9:6-7 MATTHEW 1:21 HEBREWS 9:28

It Is Finished

December 19, 2021 • John 19:25–30

At the cross, Jesus uttered His final declaration when He said, “It is finished.” When He died, He finished the wrath of God for all who will believe. He finished the separation between God and man created by sin. He finished the power of death and furnished evidence of the resurrection to come by raising dead saints to life at the time of His death and resurrection. All people will respond to his truth by either believing in Him or rejecting Him. JOHN 19:25-30 MATTHEW 27:45-46 MATTHEW 27:51 HEBREWS 9 HEBREWS 10:19 MATTHEW 27:51-53 1 CORINTHIANS 15:22-26, 50-57 MATTHEW 27:54 ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE:  2 CORINTHIANS 5:21 REVELATION 616 1 THESSALONIANS 1:10 ISAIAH 53:6 ISAIAH 59:2 JOHN 5:28-29 REVELATION 21:3-4 LUKE 23:48