
April 28, 2024 • Wes Morris

The Bible describes pure religion as keeping oneself unstained by the world. Those truly belonging to Jesus by faith are given a new heart, free from the past stain of sin. By His grace, God is able to cleanse our defiled conscience resulting in pure conduct. A believer’s conduct often determines how bright or dim their light for the gospel shines. Have you come to Jesus to have all your stain of sin washed away?

More from Pure Religion


May 26, 2024 • Wes Morris

The Bible tells us that those who stray from the truth can be restored by the Lord to the path of righteousness. People are restored through discipline as God chastises the flesh in order to bring correction to the spirit. People are restored through prayer when, along with their leaders, appeal to God for healing in the Name of the Lord. People are restored through confession and repentance as they confess their sin before God and man and receive forgiveness. Do you know Jesus as Savior and redeemer? Are you walking in obedience to His Word and at peace with His people?

Yes & No

May 19, 2024 • Wes Morris

God’s people are to be people of truth. Jesus is described as being the way and the truth, and Christ followers are to be accurate ambassadors for Him. A disciple’s yes and no are to be completely trusted by those who hear it. When a Christian makes a vow to God, they are to be careful to perform whatever they speak. Have you said “yes” to the invitation to believe in Jesus for salvation? How true is your yes and no? (edited) 


May 12, 2024 • Wes Morris

The sure fire evidence of whether someone’s religion is pure or not is in what they say. The Bible says that if our tongue is not bridled, our religion is worthless. The true Christ follower’s mouth is bridled by the Holy Spirit. Someone indwelled with the Holy Spirit speaks with wisdom and not foolishness, righteousness and not wickedness. Isaiah confessed that he was a man of unclean lips and the Lord purified him of his iniquity. Do you need to be cleansed of unclean lips and heart so that the religion you assert is truly pure?