Discovering The Word

November 19, 2023 • Todd Deering

As King Josiah begins his reign, he seeks the Lord and begins removing the idols of worship from his kingdom. As he rebuilds the temple, a great discovery is made, which had been missing from the kingdom for two generations – The Word of God. We can all be lured in by the world's promises of happiness, satisfaction, and the latest trend of finding joy. But nothing has the real power of the very voice of our creator. God’s Word has stood the test of time and offers truth that can pierce the soul, encourage a broken heart, convict us of sin, and ultimately offer mankind the gift of salvation. As Josiah reads the very Words of God, he tears his robes and realizes how far his kingdom has drifted from the Lord.

More from King Josiah

Ground To Powder

November 12, 2023 • Wes Morris

When King Josiah had identified the idols of the land, he purged them from the high places, the land, and the house of the Lord. As the temple of the Holy Spirit, we must also cleanse our lives from idols. Idols must be clearly named, then removed through humble repentance. Upon repenting of idolatry, we must then replace them with righteousness. Do you have idols? What are their names? Will you tear them down and place the Lord upon the throne of your life?

The Idols

November 5, 2023 • Wes Morris

When King Josiah surveyed the land of Judah, he saw many idols. While we may not build the same kind of statues and false deities today, our lives can be just as full of idols. The Bible tells us that the idolatry of this world will appear as the lust of the flesh, the eyes, and the pride of life. Ultimately, all idolatry comes back to one common false god. Ourselves. As Satan tempted Eve to be like God, we too desire to be a god of our own making. Idolatry will leave us empty and unsatisfied. Only the true and living God can bring authentic joy and peace to the soul. What are your idols?

Family Tree

October 29, 2023 • Wes Morris

Josiah ascended to the throne at the age of 8. Like many people, he came from a family line of sin and destruction. His sinful father was assassinated by conspirators at the age of 22. His grandfather before him led God's people into witchcraft, sorcery, and evil. Everybody has light and dark in their family tree, but we all must face the reality of God alone. Josiah, at the age of 16, began to seek the God of his father, David. This would have a lasting and profound effect on his life. When did you truly begin to seek the Lord?