Walk Worthy


June 3, 2024 • Lyndsay Hudgens & Erin Morris

We are cleansed of our sin at salvation, making us a new creation in Christ. As we walk with the Lord, He continues to make us holy as He is holy. Join us on this month’s episode of Walk Worthy as we discuss “Sanctification.”


May 6, 2024 • Lyndsay Hudgens & Erin Morris

Contention—a word we don’t hear very often, but are probably more than a little familiar with. On this month’s episode, we will discuss exactly what contention is and how it might look in our lives, some reasons why we might be contentious, and how we can fight for peace in our hearts and homes.


April 1, 2024 • Lyndsay Hudgens & Erin Morris

In Scripture, we often see Jesus condemning the Pharisees for caring more about the rules than they did people. But are we not called to live righteously? What are some of the expectations we place on people that Jesus never did? Join us this month as we discuss legalism, striving to live holy, and what Christ cares about most.


March 4, 2024

As believers, we are faced with all types of adversity, but we don’t face it alone. We have a loving, compassionate God who desires to walk with us through it and gives us the power to truly “consider it all joy.” (James 1:2)

Interview with Lindsey Latta

February 5, 2024 • Lyndsay Hudgens & Erin Morris, Lyndsey Latta

On this month’s episode of Walk Worthy, we’re interviewing Lindsey Latta. Lindsey has struggled with her health for years, but over the past year and a half, her symptoms progressively worsened making every day life seem impossible. She’s endured many doctor’s appointments, medications and surgeries on her walk back to health that have tested her faith immensely. Join us as we discuss how God is with us in trial and how to continue to walk in faith even when He doesn’t remove it.

Self Control

January 1, 2024 • Lyndsay Hudgens & Erin Morris

The Bible tells us that it’s better to control your spirit than to rule a city. As believers, we should be marked by self-control, so why is it so often that we are quick to anger and slow to listen? Join us on this month’s episode of Walk Worthy as we discuss the areas of our life that need controlling and how we can do so by the power of the Holy Spirit.


December 4, 2023 • Lyndsay Hudgens & Erin Morris

There are times in life when it’s easy to be thankful, but when life is heavy, complicated or we’re hurting, how easily do we give thanks then? On this month’s episode of “Walk Worthy,” we’re discussing gratitude and the importance of it in the life of every believer, in every season.

Abiding in the Lord

November 6, 2023 • Lyndsay Hudgens & Erin Morris

In John 15, Jesus tells us that He is the vine and we are the branches. Apart from Him, we can do nothing. And yet, we often spend our days focused on earthly endeavors and striving to manage it all ourselves. Join us this month on Walk Worthy as we discuss what abiding in the vine really looks like and how we should depend on our Father in every part of our lives.

Interview with Kaycee White

October 2, 2023 • Lyndsay Hudgens & Erin Morris, Kaycee White

On this month’s episode of Walk Worthy, we’re interviewing Kaycee White. God brought Kaycee from a life of rebellion to a life of service. Her testimony is one of repentance, patience, and finding contentment in whatever God’s will is for your life—even if it’s contrary to yours.

People Pleasing

September 4, 2023 • Lyndsay Hudgens, Erin Morris

We are called to be slaves to Christ, but so often seek the approval of man instead. Join us as we discuss what causes us to want to please people, what happens when we make it our focus, and how to shift that focus to pleasing the Lord.


August 7, 2023 • Erin Morris, Lyndsay Hudgens

Becoming a parent is a blessing from the Lord. Along with it comes a responsibility to bring your children up in the fear of the Lord and to train them in righteousness. Join us on this month’s episode of Walk Worthy as we discuss the goal of parenting, how to help your children establish their own faith, discipline, and how your role as a parent can change as your children grow.

Meditation of The Heart

July 3, 2023

In Psalm 19, David prays that the meditation of his heart would be pleasing to the Lord. What are we setting our hearts on? What are we thinking about? And how is it affecting us? Most importantly, is it pleasing to the Lord? Join us on this month’s episode of Walk Worthy as we discuss what meditation really is and how it can affect the rest of our life.


June 5, 2023 • Lyndsay Hudgens, Erin Morris

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 4 to acquire wisdom and understanding. But what does that mean? And more importantly, how do we do that? Join us on this month’s episode of Walk Worthy as we discuss what wisdom is, why we need it & how we get it.

The Kindness of God

May 1, 2023 • Lyndsay Hudgens, Erin Morris

On this month's episode of Walk Worthy, Erin & Lyndsay talk about the kindness of God. His kindness leads us to repentance and as a result, our kindness should lead others to the same. Join us as we discuss how we can be His ambassadors to the lost through our kindness.

India & Pakistan Interview

April 3, 2023 • Lyndsay Hudgens & Erin Morris

Global missions—Why do they matter? What can they teach us? What are the struggles that one wrestles with before taking part in a mission trip? Join us this month on Walk Worthy as Lyndsay shares about her recent trip to India & Pakistan—what the Lord did and what He taught her in the process.