It's that time of year to join as a community for some good ol' spring cleaning as we prepare for Easter and the sunnier season. Everyone's hands are needed to weed, rake, brush off roof of sheds, prune shrubs, and care for the memorial garden, forest path, patio, and planter boxes. Please join us. Thank you.
On Wednesday evenings during the season of Lent (March 12 - April 9), you're invited to join us for fellowship, food, scripture study, and prayer. Our time together on during these evenings will be thematically connected to our Sunday worship experiences and connected to our themes of the series. Each Wednesday will be family friendly (we encourage kids to attend) and nursery care will be available for our littlest ones. Good and sacred things happen when we eat together. Sign up if you are interested in bringing one or more items -- SOUP, BREAD, OR SALAD -- We're aiming to get these meal basics filled! You are also invited to bring something not on the list to the potluck, no need to sign up https://
There's an ancient Jewish saying: Every Table is an Altar. At Salt House, we like to say it this way: Good and sacred things happen when we eat together. You're invited to bring something to share with the community as we engage in our core practice of eating together. And even if you don't bring something, please pull up a chair and dig in. May you find connections and community as we engage over a shared meal after worship
The Salt House Women's Group is open to all women in our community. We come together to share our hearts and our faith through conversation and stories. This group is a fun and meaningful opportunity for us to connect, support, and nurture friendships. Plus, there are snacks! The group is designed for people to attend anytime it aligns with their schedule. We are friendly and welcome you as you are. Together we will grow closer to God and each other.
The Salt House Men's Group meets for mutual affirmation, prayer, engagement with our deeper questions of becoming, and what it means to live as people who identify as male in our society. This season we are meeting 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 6:30pm at Salt House (and occasionally other locations) to examine different meaningful topics to help support our continued growth. Check the schedule.
About S.A.G.E. (Elder's Group) The Salt House Elder's Group (S.A.G.E. = Spirit Activating God's Elders) meets the 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 10:00am. Invite a friend and make some connections. Salt House needs our Elders more than ever! Thank you for your powerful presence. When: 2nd and 4th Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. Where: Cafe in Haggen's, Woodinville
Our Bi-Weekly Brunch and Bible study is where we explore faith-based approaches to topics that affect our lives as Queer Christians. This year, we will be using the book "Colors of Hope" by Melissa Guthrie as our companion for these discussions. You are welcome to purchase your own copy of this book using the Amazon link here: Each week, we will let you know ahead of time what chapter we will be discussing, and will email out PDF pages of the book so that you can join in, even without a physical copy of the book. Also, if you miss a week, you will be able to follow up on what was discussed as we continue forward together. Please bring a "brunchy" dish to share as you are able. Feel free to get creative in your kitchen, but also there is absolutely no shame in running by Trader Joe's on your way over (many of us do that too, haha)! Please do keep in mind that we have some food allergies present within our group. If you are able to bring dishes that avoid gluten and/or dairy, we do appreciate that, but it is not a requirement. Location may vary as we get going into the season. Updates will be posted here for any event location changes. If you live in the greater Kirkland/Redmond area and are interested in hosting a Bible Study at your home one week, please let us know! We are always open to cozy spaces to bring our little community together.
Good Friday Worship at Salt House begins at 6:30pm.
You’re invited to celebrate Easter at Salt House! On Friday we’ll gather to remember Jesus’ final moments with his friends and witness the glory of god - which is made known to us in Jesus’ self-giving love. Then, return on Easter Sunday to celebrate the surprise of love; a morning filled with joy, new life, and a few fun surprises. All this is followed up with a community egg hunt (over 1000 eggs) and donuts. All are truly welcome, no matter what! Easter Sunday Worship at 9:00am and 11:00am Free Egg Hunt at 10:30am Donuts + live bunnies!
Join on Sunday, April 27 for a budget conversation. The Salt House staff, council, finance team, and personnel team have been working diligently to craft our FY26 budget and we want to share it with you on and get your feedback! This is OUR budget at Salt House. This event is designed to give you the important information you need as we move toward our June 1 annual meeting where we will be voting to approve this budget. Join either in-person or virtually via Microsoft Teams.