Approved By God Part 3

Thursday March 31, 2022

March 31, 2022 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

If you have all the talents in the world, but no heart, God cannot use you. As you listen to today’s message with Pastor Johnny, you’ll learn that as talented as you may be, your talents don’t matter without heart. Without soul. Without love. You see, God looks inward. And if what’s inside you doesn’t line up with the heart of God, how can you show the world who He is? The good news is this: God is a God of grace, and He has enough for even you. You can grow, be made new and your heart can change.

Portraits of Faith Part 11

June 21, 2024 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

In today’s message from Pastor Johnny, you’ll learn about many ‘heroes of the faith’- inspiring people who trusted in the Lord and obeyed God’s calling on their lives. They were each used by the Lord despite their flaws and imperfections. God is calling YOU to step out and follow Him in faith too. Will you give Him your yes? 

Portraits of Faith Part 10

June 20, 2024 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

What would it look like for you to take the Lord by faith? In today’s message from Pastor Johnny, you’ll hear the stories of many people who are remembered for their faith in God. None of these people were perfect, but they trusted in the Lord and proved it with their obedience. How can you live out your faith today?

Portraits of Faith Part 9

June 19, 2024 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

It’s crazy to think that the enemy could make someone feel so worthless. The enemy tells you that you will never be good enough for God, so why try? God tells you that no one is good enough, but that’s okay because God’s undeserving favor is a gift. So today, Pastor Johnny tells you that Jesus already paid for it, reach for it!