Approved By God Part 3

Thursday March 31, 2022

March 31, 2022 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

If you have all the talents in the world, but no heart, God cannot use you. As you listen to today’s message with Pastor Johnny, you’ll learn that as talented as you may be, your talents don’t matter without heart. Without soul. Without love. You see, God looks inward. And if what’s inside you doesn’t line up with the heart of God, how can you show the world who He is? The good news is this: God is a God of grace, and He has enough for even you. You can grow, be made new and your heart can change.

Portraits of Faith Part 5

June 13, 2024 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

Often enough in life, people go through life the hard way. Some think that if you put in the time and hard work, you can get through anything life throws. But the truth is that without Jesus Christ, you won’t get very far. So today, Pastor Johnny encourages you to submit to God before you submit to anything else. 

Portraits of Faith Part 4

June 12, 2024 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

In today’s message, Pastor Johnny wants you to place your faith in Jesus Christ. When life brings you down and you feel like you have nowhere else to go, have faith in Jesus Christ, and He will pull you out. The Bible teaches that whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, but only if you have faith in Jesus Christ. 

Portraits of Faith Part 3

June 11, 2024 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

Does the thought of Jesus's return scare you? Prophecy tells of some scary things during the end times, but Jesus' return shouldn’t be scary for us. In his message today, Pastor Johnny will encourage you to look forward to the return of Jesus. Be comforted that you have the hope of going home to live with Him.