Faith Over Fear Part 3

Friday March 18, 2022

March 18, 2022 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

There are times when you’re getting to know people in a group, and a question might come up like this, “If you could have any superpower, what would it be?” Well today, Pastor Johnny helps you understand that as a Christian, you have the greatest superpower you could ever want because you have God inside of you! He can help you do far more than you can imagine! When fear or anxiety starts to creep in, kick it out the door, with God’s Spirit guiding you along the way. He’ll help you overcome!

Portraits of Faith Part 2

June 10, 2024 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

Do you ever get bored of walking? It’s not very fast. Sometimes we’d rather run or, better yet, drive. In today’s message, Pastor Johnny will reassure you that your spiritual walk takes time, and most of the time you can’t see what’s around the corner. Don’t get weary of the journey. Just keep walking and letting God lead you.

Portraits of Faith Part 1

June 7, 2024 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

Do you read about the so-called “Heroes of the Bible” and think that you could never be like them? They were chosen because they were so great! In his message today, Pastor Johnny will teach you that the “Heroes of the Bible” were no better than you and me. They weren’t extraordinary; they simply put their faith in God.

The Importance of Faith Part 3

June 6, 2024 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

Are you leaning on God’s understanding or your own? It can be tempting to think we can accomplish things through our own power or wisdom, but in today’s message, Pastor Johnny will challenge you to rely completely on God. The more you understand your weakness, the more you can let God be your strength.