Faith Over Fear Part 2

Thursday March 17, 2022

March 17, 2022 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

As a kid, you think it’s the biggest deal to get free refills on your favorite soda! You almost wonder how they get away with it being free because it seems like it’s too good of a deal. If people would only see God’s Spirit in the same way…wondering if it’s too good to be true, but knowing that there are free refills for life! You shouldn’t feel guilty about this deal! Today, Pastor Johnny says how important it is to let God’s Spirit lead you, and for the gifts that are within you to be used, and not kept secret or hidden.

Portraits of Faith Part 7

June 17, 2024 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

Have you ever had to make tough decisions? Sometimes, when you have a choice to make, you can’t please everyone. That’s why today, Pastor Johnny tells you that if you gotta make a tough choice, make sure it aligns with the word of God and move forward, even if it means you have to rough a few feathers!

Portraits of Faith Part 6

June 14, 2024 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

Sometimes, you can through through life waiting for something to change. Maybe you’re waiting for a miracle or perhaps you’re waiting for your own life to improve. But do not be discouraged, because today, Pastor Johnny tells you to wait on the Lord. If you’ve been waiting for a change, be strong and let your heart take courage!

Portraits of Faith Part 5

June 13, 2024 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

Often enough in life, people go through life the hard way. Some think that if you put in the time and hard work, you can get through anything life throws. But the truth is that without Jesus Christ, you won’t get very far. So today, Pastor Johnny encourages you to submit to God before you submit to anything else.