Approved By God Part 2

Wednesday March 30, 2022

March 30, 2022 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

There are many voices always talking, writing, and teaching. Some preach the truth and some speak their own gospel. As a follower of Jesus, your job is to know the Word of God so that you can decipher between what is true and what is false. In today’s message, Pastor Johnny continues to teach on the importance of truth. If you’re not in the Word of God, how can you know that what you’re listening to is true? Challenge yourself to not depend on others for truth. Learn it for yourself.

Portraits of Faith Part 4

June 12, 2024 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

In today’s message, Pastor Johnny wants you to place your faith in Jesus Christ. When life brings you down and you feel like you have nowhere else to go, have faith in Jesus Christ, and He will pull you out. The Bible teaches that whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, but only if you have faith in Jesus Christ. 

Portraits of Faith Part 3

June 11, 2024 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

Does the thought of Jesus's return scare you? Prophecy tells of some scary things during the end times, but Jesus' return shouldn’t be scary for us. In his message today, Pastor Johnny will encourage you to look forward to the return of Jesus. Be comforted that you have the hope of going home to live with Him.

Portraits of Faith Part 2

June 10, 2024 • Pastor Johnny Zacchio

Do you ever get bored of walking? It’s not very fast. Sometimes we’d rather run or, better yet, drive. In today’s message, Pastor Johnny will reassure you that your spiritual walk takes time, and most of the time you can’t see what’s around the corner. Don’t get weary of the journey. Just keep walking and letting God lead you.