
Isaiah - Malachi

Dr. Michael G. McKelvey

Introduction to the Prophets

October 6, 2017 • Dr. Michael McKelvey

Examine the interaction between the historical background and message Describe the development of the office of the prophet Discuss the genres found within the OT prophetic books

What is a Prophet

October 6, 2017 • Dr. Michael McKelvey

Examine the interaction between the historical background and message Describe the development of the office of the prophet Discuss the genres found within the OT prophetic books

What does a Prophet do

October 6, 2017 • Dr. Michael McKelvey

Examine the interaction between the historical background and message Describe the development of the office of the prophet Discuss the genres found within the OT prophetic books

Hermeneutics of the Prophets

October 6, 2017 • Dr. Michael McKelvey

Examine the interaction between the historical background and message Describe the development of the office of the prophet Discuss the genres found within the OT prophetic books

History of the Ancient Near East

October 6, 2017 • Dr. Michael McKelvey

Examine the interaction between the historical background and message Describe the development of the office of the prophet Discuss the genres found within the OT prophetic books

Isaiah Authorship and Historical Context

October 6, 2017 • Dr. Michael McKelvey

Examine the issues surrounding the authorship of Isaiah Discuss the historical context of Isaiah along with important figures Examine the theological themes found in Isaiah

Isaiah Structure and Themes

October 6, 2017 • Dr. Michael McKelvey

Examine the issues surrounding the authorship of Isaiah Discuss the historical context of Isaiah along with important figures Examine the theological themes found in Isaiah

Isaiah The Day of the Lord and Isaiah's Commission

October 6, 2017 • Dr. Michael McKelvey

Examine the issues surrounding the authorship of Isaiah Discuss the historical context of Isaiah along with important figures Examine the theological themes found in Isaiah

Isaiah The Messianic Reign

October 6, 2017 • Dr. Michael McKelvey

Examine the issues surrounding the authorship of Isaiah Discuss the historical context of Isaiah along with important figures Examine the theological themes found in Isaiah

Isaiah The Lord's Chosen Servant

October 6, 2017 • Dr. Michael McKelvey

Examine the issues surrounding the authorship of Isaiah Discuss the historical context of Isaiah along with important figures Examine the theological themes found in Isaiah

Isaiah God's Salvation through the Servant

October 6, 2017 • Dr. Michael McKelvey

Examine the issues surrounding the authorship of Isaiah Discuss the historical context of Isaiah along with important figures Examine the theological themes found in Isaiah

Isaiah Humble and Contrite in Spirit

October 6, 2017 • Dr. Michael McKelvey

Examine the issues surrounding the authorship of Isaiah Discuss the historical context of Isaiah along with important figures Examine the theological themes found in Isaiah

Jeremiah Authorship and Historical Context

October 6, 2017 • Dr. Michael McKelvey

Examine the structural differences between the different textual traditions of Jeremiah Summarize the historical background and authorship of Jeremiah Examine theological and literary themes in Jeremiah

Jeremiah Outline and Themes

October 6, 2017 • Dr. Michael McKelvey

Examine the structural differences between the different textual traditions of Jeremiah Summarize the historical background and authorship of Jeremiah Examine theological and literary themes in Jeremiah

Jeremiah The Call of Jeremiah

October 6, 2017 • Dr. Michael McKelvey

Examine the structural differences between the different textual traditions of Jeremiah Summarize the historical background and authorship of Jeremiah Examine theological and literary themes in Jeremiah