
Master of Arts

M.A. (Biblical Studies)
M.A. (Religion)

M.A. (Biblical Studies)
M.A. (Theological Studies)
M.A. in Christian Counseling

M.A. (Theological Studies)

M.A. (Biblical Studies)

M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy and Counseling

M.A. (Biblical Studies)
M.A. in Counseling
M.A. (Theological Studies)

M.A. (Religion)
M.A. (Biblical Studies)

Global Education
M.A. (Biblical Studies)
M.A. (Religion)
M.A. (Theological Studies)

The Master of Arts program provides concentrated study in a special field or discipline upon the background of a general understanding of theology and biblical studies. Candidates for this degree must complete 66 semester hours (note exceptions below) with an overall C (2.0) average.

M.A. (Biblical) or M.A. (Theological Studies) - Orlando Charlotte Atlanta Washington
This program integrates biblical, historical, and theological studies with cultural and social concerns. It is designed to strengthen the religious basis for one's life and work whether in a secular career or a church staff position. Greek and Hebrew are optional. The English Bible exam is required.

M.A. in Counseling - Orlando
This program is a seventy-six-hour program designed for the person who wishes to work in the specialized field of counseling and who desires an orientation that integrates Christian theology with counseling theory and practice. Biblical and theological studies are integrated with formal, professional education and technical training. Students enrolled in this two-year (21-month) program must enroll full time. Entrance is granted for the fall semester only. Applications must be received by the Admissions Office by February 1 prior to the fall semester of desired enrollment. A non-refundable deposit of $200 must be submitted upon acceptance.

M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy and Counseling - Jackson
This program is designed for the person who wishes to work in this specialized field of counseling and who desires an orientation that integrates Christian theology with the theory and practice of family therapy. Biblical and theological studies are integrated with formal, professional education and technical training. Theoretical knowledge is also integrated with applied skills through supervised clinical practice. This is a two-year (24-month) program. Continuance in the MFT & Counseling program is contingent upon the student's intra- and interpersonal skills and/or functioning.

In addition to the general admission requirements given in this catalog, applicants for the Marriage and Family Therapy program must submit a GRE General Test score and must make a non-refundable deposit of $200 upon acceptance. Applications for the Marriage and Family Therapy program should be received by February 1 for those who wish to enroll in the fall semester. To graduate, MFT & Counseling students must have clinical experience that includes:

1. A minimum of twelve consecutive months of clinical work;

2. At least 500 hours of face-to-face clinical experience, of which at least 250 hours are with two or more

3. A total of 100 hours of clinical supervision, of which at least 50 are in groups of no more than two and the remainder in groups of no more than six -persons. (All MFT and Counseling supervision is based on
direct observation, videotape, or audiotape.) Graduates will have completed the requirements for associate membership in the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Because this program is designed to meet the needs of those serving in the social and cultural setting of North America, international students are not ordinarily admitted.

M.A. (Religion) - Atlanta Washington Global
This program is a versatile degree, designed for Christians who desire to bring biblical and theological reflection to bear on a wide spectrum of societal issues in their chosen vocations and avocations. This sixty-semester hour MAR program shares courses with other RTS master's degree programs, and is offered at the Atlanta campus, the Washington campus, and Global education.

M.A. Program - Jackson
The Master of Arts is a 66 semester-hour degree typically done in 2 years. The 36-hour core establishes a solid academic foundation in biblical, theological, and historical studies. 30 hours of electives provide maximum flexibility for students to shape their coursework to fit their needs.

M.Div. / M.A. Dual Degrees
A student may complete the M.A., the M.A. (Biblical Studies), the M.A. (Theological Studies), or the M.A. (Religion) plus the M.Div. degree program in four years with a total of 139 semester hours. A student may complete the M.A. in Counseling plus the M.Div. degree program with a total of 152 semester hours. A student may complete the M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy and Counseling plus the M.Div. (with Counseling emphasis) for a total of 147 semester hours (if no M.Div. with counseling emphasis, then a total of 152 semester hours).

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