Week 3: Financial Wisdom

May 7, 2017

Today, getting an education is more expensive and student debt is worse than it's ever been, getting a well-paying job is harder, and buying a home is nearly impossible. As one financial expert put it, the next generation is starting their economic race 50 years behind the starting line. Great. Where can we turn to find tried-and-true financial advice? We turn to the ancient wisdom literature of Scripture to see what it has to say regarding developing financial wisdom.

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Week 7: Wisdom & Suffering

June 4, 2017

If I pursue wisdom in every area of life, why do I still experience setbacks, disappointment, and sometimes, even, suffering? Why do bad things happen to wise people? In order to live life as an adult, one needs a robust practical theology of suffering.

Week 6: Wisdom & Work

May 28, 2017

Preparing for a job, getting a job, and keeping a job are all part of growing up. Since work takes up so much of our lives, and so much of our lives depends on our work, the ancient wisdom literature of Holy Scripture has lots to say about it. The ancient wisdom literature teaches that work is a good gift from God. Ecclesiastes 2:24 says "There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil." Do you find enjoyment in your work?

Week 5: Self Control Wisdom

May 21, 2017

Self-control is the ability to say "no" to your urges (and "yes" to something greater and more important), and this is actually one of the great proofs of the immateriality of the soul. Your ability to control your self proves that you are more than just a material being. Listen in as we look to the ancient wisdom literature of Proverbs to see what it has to teach us about self-control.