Jesus Among the Christian Cults

September 30, 2018

Scripture distinguishes between the nonbeliever and the false teacher. While Scripture commands us to be hospitable and to share the Gospel, Scripture is also abundantly clear that we must "contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 3). In this week's sermon, we examine the four characteristics of Christian cults, so we can grow in spiritual discernment.

Jesus Among New Age Spirituality

October 28, 2018

Just a casual google search for the "occult in Boston" opens a whole world of Boston's spirituality. Astrology, horoscopes, Ouija boards, yoga, the occult, signs of the zodiac, psychics, witchcraft, parapsychology, magick, palmistry, tarot cards, numerology, séances, necromancy, channeling, voodoo, charms, hexing, etc. Why the prevalence of "spiritual" groups in a bastion of secularism like Boston? How are Christians to think about these things? Join us as we look at Jesus among New Age Spirituality.

Jesus Among the Hedonists

October 21, 2018

Since our culture has rejected even the idea of ultimate meaning in life, the only point that is left is to have a good time, the pursuit of personal happiness. Since we have no idea what leads to ultimate happiness, we conflate happiness with pleasure. The pursuit of happiness becomes the pursuit of maximum pleasure, which paradoxically leads to maximum pain.

Jesus Among the Pluralists

October 14, 2018

What is truth? Which one? Our culture worships the unholy trinity of pluralism (all truths are true), relativism (it's true for you, not for me), and humanism (you are the definer of truth). What do we do with Jesus among the Pluralists?