Compelled by Compassion

Week 2

July 11, 2021 • Pastor Quovadis Marshall

We were created to do good works and that takes sacrifice and compassion. Pastor Q brings a challenging message on what it truly means to be filled with so much compassion that it moves us to serve those in need, making an impact in our world.

How to be Salt and Light

July 4, 2021 • John Maxwell

We are joined by world-renowned leader John Maxwell to start off this new series, Change Your World. John Maxwell shares what it means to be "Salt and Light" and practical ways on how to be that in order to change your lives and the lives of others.

Take Personal Responsibility

July 18, 2021 • Mason Smith

Join us as Youth Director, Mason Smith challenges our faith as he asks an important question, "Is our relationship with Jesus costing us anything?"