Easter is a celebration and remembrance of the Resurrection. We don't believe it because it is something we say as Christians. It's not something we believe because it makes us popular or live easier lives. We believe it because it can be verified historically beyond a reasonable doubt. With 500 documented eyewitnesses seeing Him alive after a publicly verified death, we can know that there is a God. And even more importantly, we can know what He's done for us personally to make a relationship with Him possible. Living in light of those truths is the Christian life.
1. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is grounded in verifiable history.
2. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is verified by 500 documented eyewitnesses.
3. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ provides clarity regarding every issue we experience in the Christian life.
Risen Indeed
Easter 2022 - 1 Corinthians 15:1-10
April 17, 2022 • Scott Richards • 1 Corinthians 15:1–10, John 14:19, Acts 4:18–20, 2 Peter 1:16–17