The Last Days

What the Bible Says!

The Dispensation of the Fullness of Times

April 2, 2020 • Dr Michael D Gross

God has a plan for the ages. This equipping session introduces the saints to the study of the end times called "eschatology". It explores the biblical concept of eternity and how God has consistently dealt with mankind throughout the ages and how He is summing up all things in Christ.

The Signs of the End

April 8, 2020 • Dr Michael D Gross

The coming of Jesus is much sooner then when we first believed. This equipping session on the last days examines how Jesus answered the disciples who asked Him when the things He spoke of would take place and what would be the signs of His coming and the end of the age.

Satan's End Game

April 18, 2020 • Dr Michael D Gross

What is the devil up to in the last days? This equipping session explores Satan's strategy of deception to draw many away from God.

The End of the Church Age

April 24, 2020 • Dr Michael D Gross

Does the church today believe Jesus is coming back soon? Do believers have a sense of urgency and expectancy? This equipping session on the last days examines the biblical timeline of Daniel's prophecy and the events soon to unfold at the end of the church age.

The Rapture and Second Coming

April 30, 2020 • Dr Michael D Gross

The Church today appears largely silent about the soon coming of Jesus. This equipping session on the last days examines what the Bible says about the rapture and second coming of Christ.

The Great Tribulation and Armageddon

May 11, 2020 • Dr Michael D Gross

The Great Tribulation will be like no other time in the history of the world. This equipping session on the last days examines what the Bible says about this catastrophic period called "The great day of His wrath!"

The Millennial Reign of Christ

May 14, 2020 • Dr Michael D Gross

What would it look like to have Jesus Christ ruling with divine government on the earth today? This equipping session on the last days reveals what life will be like during the future thousand year reign of Christ on earth.

The Great White Throne and The New Jerusalem

May 19, 2020 • Dr Michael D Gross

God's judgment has been virtually removed from the church's talking points today. This final equipping session on the last days uncovers the truth about the final end for both believers and unbelievers.