Standalone Services

Mother's Day - A Mom with a Kingdom Priority

May 12, 2024

1. She Desired Her Sons’ Inclusion 2. She Desired Her Sons’ Involvement - We should pray often, even daily, for our kids to be saved by placing their faith in Jesus Christ. - Oftentimes children will not rise above the level of their parents when it comes to spiritual things. - As parents, we must set the example and then we must pray that our sons and daughters might be passionately involved in the work of the kingdom. - We can easily settle for a spot in the land of just enough when God has a spot for us in the land of more than enough.

Easter Sunday - The First Gospel

March 31, 2024

Genesis 3:14-15 - Spiritual warfare is the result of Satan striving for our affections and God desiring our affections. - The seed of the serpent refers to natural humanity whom Satan has led into rebellion against God. - Genesis 3:15 points to the cross of Calvary and the empty tomb - Don’t get discouraged because the Christian life isn’t easy. It’s not supposed to be easy. - It is through Jesus, through His death and resurrection, that God has made salvation available to all who will believe on Jesus. 1. The curse is pronounced (v. 14) 2. The curse contains a promise (v. 15) 3. The curse paints a picture (vs. 14-15) a. The Christian life will always be a struggle b. Our victories will not come without wounds c. God’s plan of salvation is centered in a Person

Sunday Morning Worship

April 7, 2024

Pray Like a Disciple

March 10, 2024

Matthew 6:5-13 1) Pray in Private, more than you Pray in Public (vs 5-6) 2) Pray Real, not Rehearsed (vs 7-8) 3) Pray for the Lord's Will, not your own Way (vs 9-13)

Study in Jude

February 18, 2024

Speaker- Bobby Franks, Minister to University Students and Adult Discipleship

New Year New Dilemma

December 31, 2023

Deuteronomy 11:26-28 - Are you going to make loving, serving, and obeying God your highest priority or are you going to allow your life to be swept away by the endless activities and concerns of everyday life? - Being a Christian does not exempt you from God’s very real discipline when you disobey Him. - Sometimes the reason the Lord turns our world upside down is to remind us we are wholly dependent upon Him. Pathway to God’s Discipline i. An Improper View of God ii. An Improper View of Ourselves iii. An Improper View of Others - God loves you too much to allow you to get away with worshiping something that ultimately won’t satisfy you. - Pathway to God’s Blessing i. Fear God ii. Walk in All His Ways iii. Love God and Serve Him with All Your Heart - Ultimately our obedience to God is based on our love for God. -Given who God is and all He has done ought to compel us to love Him and serve Him with all our hearts and all our souls.

In God Alone

October 22, 2023

i. God is our Ally (vs. 1-7) ii. The Gospel is the Truth (vs. 8-17) iii. Gracious Desire of God (vs. 18-26) iv. Guarantee of God’s Protection (vs. 27-33) - There is something deep inside of us that diminishes past facts and magnifies present realities. - True spirituality is a spirituality of truth. Follow Through 1. Avoid any spiritual path that deviates from the gospel. 2. Guard against our own prejudices that take offense at the counterintuitive ways of God. 3. Trust in God alone.

The Christ Life

October 15, 2023

i. Remember the Promises of God - Indwelling (6:16) - Fellowship (6:16) - Communion (6:16) - Faithfulness (6:17) - Intimacy (6:18) ii. Remove the Defilements of Flesh and Spirit - Critical Spirit - Competitive Spirit - Wounded Spirit - Haughty Spirit - Evil Spirit iii. Restore the Fear of God

The Beginnings of Biblical Stewardship

October 1, 2023

I. The Duty of the Disciple (v. 10a) A. Command to be obeyed B. Challenge to be accepted II. The Lavishness of the Lord A. The Promise of Plenty (v. 10b) B. The Promise of Protection (v. 11) 1. Abraham BEGAN the tithe. (Genesis 14:18-20) 2. Jacob CONTINUED the tithe. (Genesis 28:22) 3. The Law of Moses ORDERED the tithe. (Leviticus 27:30-32) 4. The Prophets CLARIFIED the tithe. (Malachi 3:8-10) 5. Jesus APPLAUDED the tithe. (Luke 11:42) 6. Generosity motivated by love SURPASSES the tithe. (2 Corinthians 9:6-7, 1 John 3:17)

The Basis of Biblical Stewardship

September 17, 2023

“But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth.” -Deuteronomy 8:18 - The fact that He owns it all and we have so much tells us how good and how generous God really is. - The number one reason people struggle with stewardship is they don’t see God as the owner. - We are responsible for managing all that God has given to us. - We must get out of the ownership mentality and into the stewardship mentality. - The point of this parable is that a day of reckoning is coming, and each of us will give an account for how we stewarded what God entrusted to us.

Jesus Under Fire

August 27, 2023

Juke 4:1-13 Verse 1: Jesus was "full of the Holy Spirit". Jesus was led to this place of temptation by the Holy Spirit. To defeat temptation, it is essential that we be filled with and controlled by the Holy Spirit. The Lord will lead us into times of temptations or trials to teach us about His sufficiency and to display His power to enable us to withstand the temptation. i. The Specifics of the Temptation a. The 1st concerned the will of God b. The 2nd concerned the worship of God c. The 3rd concerned the Word of God ii. The Victory over Temptation 1. Satan uses the same strategies to tempt believers that he used on Jesus. 2. Satan takes advantage of specific circumstances to launch his assaults. 3. Scripture is the essential weapon believers must use to defeat temptation.

Kenya Mission Team Report

August 20, 2023

Help From on High

August 13, 2023

I. The Source of our Help II. The Scope of our Help A. “He will not allow your foot to slip” B. “He who keeps you will not slumber” C. “The Lord is your keeper ... your shade on your right hand” D. “The sun will not smite you by day, nor the moon by night” E. “The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul” F. “The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever” CCLI Number available upon request

Life in Christ

August 6, 2023

Colossians 2:1-10 1) Fellowship in Him (vs 1-5)  - Heart encouragers   - Unified in Christ 2) Walk in Him (vs 6-7) - Firmly Rooted - Built up and Established  - Overflowing with Gratitude 3) Remain in Him (vs 8-10) - Focus on Him - Complete in Him 

The New Birth

July 30, 2023

John 3:1-15 1. The Man in Need of New Birth (vs. 1-3) 2. The Mystery of the New Birth (vs. 4-12) 3. The Means of the New Birth (vs. 13-15) The New Birth is: - A spiritual birth - A supernatural birth Things that are unable to save you: - Position does not save you. - Popularity does not save you. - Prestige does not save you.