A Tale of Two Brothers

Genesis 4:1-7

May 5, 2024

i. God Gives Two Sons (vs. 1-2) Two

ii. Sons bring Offerings to God (vs. 3-7)

- Cain brought something he had while Abel brought the best that he had.

God’s Rejection of Cain’s offering reveals:

1. There was a deficiency in the gift.

2. There was a flaw in the intention of the giver

"By faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, through which he was commended as righteous, God commending him by accepting his gifts." - Hebrews 11:4

John Calvin wrote: “It is not to be doubted, that Cain conducted himself as hypocrites are accustomed to do; namely, that he wished to appease God, as one discharging a debt, by external sacrifices, without the least intention of dedicating himself to God.”

- You will either master sin or sin will master you.


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