Mission Over Everything

January 7, 2024

Colossians 1:24-29

1. The Motivation for the Mission (vs. 24-25)

2. The Message of the Mission (vs. 26-28)

3. The Purpose of the Mission (vs. 28)

a. Lead people to Jesus

b. Bring people to spiritual maturity

Let's Go Fishing

January 21, 2024

- If you are fishing, you are following. If you are not fishing, you are not following. 1. The Invitation of the Lord 2. The Inevitable Result - Nine out of ten people who attempt to explain what they believe to other people come away from those experiences feeling as if they have failed. (Barna Research) - The first thing the devil wants to stop is spreading the gospel. A Fisherman: Has to be patient. Must have perseverance. Needs courage. BLT method of evangelism B – Build relationships with non-Christians. L – Look for opportunities to talk to them about Jesus. T – Take your friends where they can hear the gospel. - Would you identify one person and ask God to give you an opportunity to talk with them about Jesus before Easter, which is on March 31ˢᵗ?


January 14, 2024

- An ambassador is both a messenger for and a representative of the one who sent him or her. - To reach our nation with the gospel, we must get away from the professionals only mentality and recover the biblical concept that we are all ambassadors for Christ. - The Holy Spirit is the One who converts a lost soul. - As Ambassadors of Jesus: -- We Must Share Urgently -- We Must Share Regularly -- We Must Share Obediently -- We Must Share Confidently -- We Must Share Dependently

Mission Over Everything

November 5, 2023

Is the priority of my life sharing the gospel, inviting people to believe in Jesus, and teaching people to follow Jesus? i. The Imperativeness of the Mission ii. The Urgency of the Mission S.I.T. - Sharing the gospel with people. - Inviting people to believe in Jesus. - Teaching/training people to follow Jesus.